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Invited Speakers




Suggested Reading

- AMBROSI, PREZIOSI - Tumors as Elasto-Viscoplastic Growing Bodies.pdf
- ASTANIN, PREZIOSI - Multiphase Models of Tumour Growth.pdf
- PREZIOSI - Mechanical aspects of tumour growth.pdf
- PREZIOSI, TOSIN - Multiphase modeling of tumor growth and extracellular matrix interaction Mathematical tools and applications.pdf
- WARD, KING - Mathematical modelling of avascular-tumour growth.pdf
- KING, FRANKS - Mathematical analysis of some multi-dimensional tissue-growth models.pdf
- LEDZEWICZ - Antiangiogenic therapy in cancer treatment as an optimal control problem.pdf
- BERTUZZI, FASANO, GANDOLFI, SINISGALLI - Tumour cords and their response to anticancer agents.pdf
- LEDZEWICZ, SCHATTLER, D'ONOFRIO - Optimal Control for Combination Therapy in Cancer.pdf
- LEDZEWICZ, MARRIOTT, MAURER, SCHATTLER - Realizable protocols for optimal administration of drugs in mathematical models for anti-angiogenic treatment.pdf
- LEDZEWICZ, SCHATTLER - Optimal and suboptimal protocols for a class of mathematical models of tumor anti-angiogenesis.pdf
- D'ONOFRIO - A general framework for modeling tumor-immune system competition and immunotherapy Mathematical analysis and biomedical inferences.pdf
- D'ONOFRIO - On a family of models of cell division cycle.pdf
- KNUDSON - Two genetic hits (more or less) to cancer.pdf
- PIEROTTI, SOZZI, CROCE - Oncogenes.pdf
- PARK, VOGELSTEIN - Tumor-Suppressor Genes.pdf
- HANAHAN, WEINBERG - The Hallmarks of Cancer.pdf
- PONDER - Cancer genetics.pdf
- HYNES, LANE - Erbb receptors and cancer the complexity of targeted inhibitors.pdf
- D'ONOFRIO - Mathematical analysis of the Tyson model of the regulation of the cell division cycle
- D'ONOFRIO - Fractal growth of tumors and other cellular populations: Linking the mechanistic to the phenomenological modeling and vice versa.
- BERTUZZI, FASANO, GANDOLFI, SINISGALLI - Cell resensitization after delivery of a cycle-specific anticancer drug and effect of dose splitting: Learning from tumour cords
- BERTUZZI, FASANO, GANDOLFI, SINISGALLI - Reoxygenation and Split-Dose Response to Radiation in a Tumour Model with Krogh-Type Vascular Geometry
- RAGHUNAND, GATENBY, GILLIES - Microenvironmental and cellular consequences of altered blood flow in tumours
- FASANO, HERRERO, RODRIGO - Slow and fast invasion waves in a model of acid-mediated tumour growth
- BERTUZZI, FASANO, GANDOLFI, SINISGALLI - The transport of specific monoclonal antibodies in tumour cords
- BIANCHINI, FASANO - A model combining acid-mediated tumour invasion and nutrient dynamics