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Registration and Abstract Submission







Participants (excluding invited speakers) are asked to register.
Name *  
E-Mail *  

Invited Speakers

The invited speakers are asked to send the abstracts (about 3 or 4 pages length) in pdf format, using the LaTeX template to agambar@math.ist.utl.pt.

Contributed Talks and Posters

A number of contributed talks and posters will be accepted. Abstracts (about 1 or 2 pages in length) should be sent in pdf format using the LaTeX template to agambar@math.ist.utl.pt.

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission: November 14
  • Notification of acceptance: November 18
  • NEW: Abstract submission for posters only: November 28
  • Registration: November 28

Conference Fees

The registration fee is 100 EUR. The registration fee covers the participation in the workshop, the book of abstracts, the refreshments, lunches and the workshop dinner.
The payment should be made before November 28, by bank transfer to
  • NIB(National): 0035 0373 00000035930 37
  • IBAN: PT50 0035 0373 00000035930 37
  • Subject of the transfer: Cancer lectures - ID
where ID is your online pre-registration number (registration form above). Please send the transfer confirmation by fax to +351 218417048 or +351 218417598.