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(Preliminary) Program

Thursday December 6

13:00-14:00 Registration
14:00-14:10 Welcome session
14:10-14:45 Plenary, U.Ledzewicz, The Role of the Vasculature and the Immune System in Optimal Protocols for Cancer Therapies. (PRESENTATION)
14:45-15:20 Plenary, I.Figueiredo, Physiologic Parameter Estimation in Aberrant Crypt Foci.
15:20-15:55 Plenary, J.Tavares, Computational Registration of Biomedical Data Towards More Effective Image Analysis. (PRESENTATION)
15:55-16:30 Plenary, A.Fasano, A new model for blood flow in capillaries. (PRESENTATION)
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-17:25 Keynote, G.Romanazzi, Simulation of abnormal colonic cell dynamics using a multiscale method. (PRESENTATION)
17:25-17:50 Keynote, T.Bodnár, On the Deviatoric Decomposition of the Odroyd-type Viscoelastic Models for Blood Flow Simulations.
17:50-18:15 Keynote, S.Kumar, A Novel Approach for Detection of Bleeding in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images.
18:15-18:30 Communication, A.João, Tracking red blood cells in micro-circulation experiments.
18:30-18:45 Communication, T.Guerra, Optimal control of non-Newtonian fluids.

Friday December 7

09:00-09:35 Plenary, G.Karniadakis, Parallel Multiscale Simulations of a Brain Aneurysm. (PRESENTATION)
09:35-10:10 Plenary, J.Ambrósio, Multibody dynamic approaches in modeling and analysis of biomechanical systems for human motion and injury assessment. (PRESENTATION)
10:10-10:45 Plenary, J.Ferreira, Non Fickian Miscible Displacement in Porous Media.
10:45-11:05 Coffee Break
11:05-11:30 Keynote, J.Aguado-Sierra, A framework for anti-arrhythmic drugs testing using a multi-scale computational heart employing Alya Red.
11:30-11:55 Keynote, S.Hossain, Modeling actively-targeted drug delivery in patient-specific coronary arteries to treat vulnerable plaques.
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:05 Plenary, C.Bajaj, Form and Function: Multi-scale Modeling of Electrophysiology in the Hippocampus.
14:05-14:40 Plenary, P.Oliveira, Mathematical aspects of controlled drug delivery.
14:40-15:15 Plenary, L.Rosário, C.Nunes, Modelling the Left Ventricle Mechanical performance and Ventricular Arterial Coupling: The Example of the Baroreflex. (PRESENTATION)
15:15-15:30 Communication, V.Faustino, Erythrocyte Deformability in a Hyperbolic Microchannel. (PRESENTATION)
15:30-15:45 Communication, R.Aris, Alya Red: A computational simulation of the heart coupling electrophysiology and cardiac mechanics.
15:45-16:00 Communication, S.Rossi, Modelling cardiac activation.
16:00-16:15 Communication, J.Pavlova, Numerical Simulations of Clot Growth Evolution in Small Arteries Using a Reduced Mathematical Model.
16:15-16:45 Coffee Break
16:45-17:10 Keynote, J.Lourenço, Hydrocephalus: From nature to pathology.
17:10-17:35 Keynote, D.Alizadehrad, Particle based simulation of dense cellular flow and microswimmers in microvessels.
17:35-18:00 Keynote, R.Cetto, Quantifying Nasal Airway Changes Associated with Decongestion.
18:00-18:25 Keynote, P.Silva, Mathematical models in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma.
20:30 Conference dinner

Saturday December 8

09:00-09:35 Plenary, V.Volpert, Reaction-Diffusion Waves in Physiological Applications.
09:35-10:10 Plenary, A.Veneziani, Emergency Math - Life of a group of Mathematicians when a Hospital is on Campus. (PRESENTATION)
10:10-10:45 Plenary, C.Saldanha, A.Silva-Herdade, Coagulation and inflammation - physiological process for numerical studies. (PRESENTATION1) (PRESENTATION2)
10:45-11:20 Plenary, R.Pereira, Cerebral aneurysms and mathematical modeling: clinical and biological applications.
11:20-11:40 Coffee Break
11:40-12:05 Keynote, L.Dedè, Isogeometric Analysis and reduced models for Fluid--Structure Interactions problems in Haemodynamics. (PRESENTATION)
12:05-12:30 Keynote, J.Branco, Non fickian diffusion models for gliomas.
12:30-12:45 Communication, P.Tricerri, Modelling and numerical simulations of the mechanics of cerebral arterial tissue: structural damage and FSI models. (PRESENTATION)
12:45-13:00 Communication, J.Moreno, Texture image segmentation and applications to colonic polyps in wireless capsule images.
13:00 Farewell light lunch.