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The workshop will take place at the Alameda Campus of Instituto Superior Técnico. The workshop has no registration fee and participants are welcome to attend all presentations. Note that the room capacity is limited, therefore interested participants are asked to communicate days of attendance, and places will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Registration will start at 13:00 of 6th December in room 3.10 (3rd floor) of the Mathematics Department. The same room is used for the conference.

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Conference Dinner

The conference dinner will be held at "Restaurante da Ordem dos Engenheiros" at 20:30 on Friday 7th December. The address is: Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar 3D, 1069 Lisbon, Portugal

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The workshop will take place at the Alameda Campus of Instituto Superior Técnico, which is located in the heart of Lisbon. Several hotels, hostels and residences are situated in the surrounding area and towards the historic centre that lies on the banks of the Tejo river. Instituto Superior Técnico is located close to the yellow and red metro lines, and is also well connected by busses.

Suggested accommodation, these are special rates associated to the workshop and only a few rooms have been set aside:

  • Residencial Fonte Luminosa (5 min walking)
    Alameda Dom Afonso Henriques, 70, 6º Esq
    1000-124 Lisboa
    Phone: +351 210 445 785
    Single: 34 EUR
    Double: 44 EUR
    per night (bed & breakfast)
  • Hotel AS Lisboa (5 min walking)
    Av. Almirante Reis, 188
    1000-055 Lisboa
    Phone: +351 218 429 360
    Single: 50 EUR
    Double: 60 EUR
    per night (bed & breakfast)

  • Local Transportation

    Please consult the Lisbon public transport website for further information metro, busses and trains. More detailed information on how to get to the Alameda Campus can be found here.


    Lisbon is an enchainting city and worth visiting and appreciating. Please take a moment to read this review on Lisbon and consult the Portugal tourist information, Lisbon tourist information, and events in Lisbon.