Members > PhD Members

Jorge Tiago

Institutional Address

Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)
Av. Rovisco Pais 1
1049-001 LISBOA

Phone: +351218419753 | Email: | Web:


Professor Auxiliar, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa


Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine

Principal Area

Cardiovascular Mathematics

Other Area

Optimal Control and Applications



  • PhD in Mathematics (2010), Faculty of Sciences - University of Lisbon.

Papers in International Journals

Papers or Chapters in Edited Books

Communications in Conference Proceedings


Papers in National Scientific Journals

Supervision of PhD theses 

  • Optimization Techniques to deal with missing data in blood flow modelling. Kaleem Iqbal, PhD Math, IST, Ongoing.
  • Study of cerebral aneurysms through experimental bio-markers and computational hemodynamics. PhD Comp Eng 2019. Co-supervised with Adélia Sequeira (IST).

 Supervision of master theses 

  • Enhancing the numerical approximation of parametrized optimal control problems through proper orthogonal decomposition and artificial neural networks, Carlo Venturini, Joint MMA Degree IST-Ulisboa & Poltitecnico di Milano, 2024. Co-supervised with Andrea Manzoni (Pol Milano).
  • Dirichlet Boundary Control of the Poisson Equation with Mixed Boundary Conditions, Dinis Rocha, MMA, IST-ULisboa. 2024. Co-Supervisor J.P. Raymond (IMToulouse).
  • Multiple Boundary Control of Elliptic Problems, Joana M. Ribeiro, MMA, IST-ULisboa. 2024. Co-supervisor Irene M. Gayte (U Loyola Sevilla).
  • Applying PINN's for the reconstruction of blood flow from patient-specific data, João Pereira, MECD, IST-ULisboa. 2023 Co-supervisor: Duarte Albuquerque (IST).
  • Optimal boundary control of the time-dependent Stokes equations with mixed boundary conditions, Pedro Nogueira, MMA, IST-ULisboa. 2021.
  • Using medical data to adjust flow boundary conditions in computational hemodynamics, Madalena Dias, MEBiom, IST-ULisboa. 2021. Co-supervised with Dr Silvia A. Rosa (CHLC).
  • Computational analysis of aortic hemodynamics -comparison of outflow modelling strategies, Laura Sumares, MEBiom, IST-ULisboa. 2019. Co-supervised with Dr Sérgio Laranjo (CHLC).
  • Geometric analysis of intracoronary pressure curves Marta Alves, MEBiom, IST-ULisboa. 2019. Co-supervised with Dr. David Alves (HESE).
  • Numerical simulations of atherosclerotic plaque growth using experimental data, Carolina Brites, MEBiom, IST-ULisboa. 2018. Co-supervised with Ana S. Herdade (IMM).
  • A numerical approximation for the Navier-Stokes equations using the Finite Element Method, João Marques, MMA, IST-ULisboa, 2016.
  • Numerical Simulation of Dilatation Patterns of the Ascending Aorta in Aortopathies, Diana Oliveira, MEBiom, IST-ULisboa, 2016. Co-supervised with Adélia Sequeira (IST).
  • Analysis of hemodynamic indicators in Bicuspid Aortic Valves using a computational mathematical model Ana Torrado, MEBiom IST-ULisboa, 2015. Co-supervised with Adélia Sequeira (IST).




2º Festival da Ciência - Dia Aberto da Escola Secundária de Camões (09/05/2024)
Aplicações da Matemática a Simulações do Sistema Cardiovascular  (11/11/2016) Sala 3.10
Data Driven Computations in the Life Sciences (Autumn School) (09/11/2015)