Research Areas
Algebra and Computing
Applied and Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Applied and Numerical Analysis Seminar
Probability and Statistics Seminar
Algebra Seminars
CEMAT's Open Seminar
Scientific Meetings
Open Positions
Algebra and Computing
Applied and Numerical Analysis
Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
(Publication Type)
Papers in International Journals
Papers or Chapters in Edited Books
Communications in Conference Proceedings
Edition of Books
Papers in National Scientific Journals
(Member Type)
PhD Members
PhD Students
Former Members
Exclude submitted
Papers in International Journals
Jesus Bellver Arnau; Alessandro Margheri;
Rebelo, Carlota
Dynamics of a mosquito egg-larvae model with seasonality
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology: 86, paper 9.
Freire, Tomas ; Hu, Z; Wood, K. B.;
Gjini, Erida
Modeling spatial evolution of multi-drug resistance under drug environmental gradients
PLOS Computational Biology.
Ermanda Dekaj;
Gjini, Erida
Pneumococcus and the stress-gradient hypothesis: a trade-off links R0 and susceptibility to co-colonization across countries
Theoretical Population Biology: 156, 77-92.
Anwar, M. Adnan
Tiago, Jorge
Time-dependent strategy for improving aortic blood flow simulations with boundary control and data assimilation
Applied Mathematics and Computation: Volume 493, 15, 129266.
Costa, C., Sirard, J. C., Gibson, P. S.,;
Gjini, Erida
; Baldry, M. (2024)
Triggering Toll-Like Receptor 5 signaling during pneumococcal superinfection prevents the selection of antibiotic resistance.
Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Rebelo, Carlota
Ortega, Victor
A note on stability criteria in the periodic Lotka–Volterra predator-prey model
Applied Mathematics Letters: 145, Paper No. 108739.
Gidoni, Paolo; Margheri, Alessandro;
Rebelo, Carlota
Limit cycles for dynamic crawling locomotors with periodic prescribed shape
Z. Angew. Math. Phys.: 74:46.
Rebelo, Carlota
; Margheri, Alessandro (2023)
The Poincare-Birkhoff theorem and some applications
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico Torino: 81, 71-85.
Le, Thi Minh Thao; Madec, Sten;
Gjini, Erida
Disentangling how multiple traits drive 2 strain frequencies in SIS dynamics with coinfection
Journal of Theoretical Biology: Volume 538, 111041, 0022-5193.
Coelho, Isabel
Rebelo, Carlota
; Sovrano, Elisa (2021)
Extinction or coexistence in periodic Kolmogorov systems of competitive type
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.: 41, 5743-5764.
Margheri, Alessandro;
Rebelo, Carlota
; Zanolin, Fabio (2021)
Fixed points for planar maps with multiple twists, with application to nonlinear equations with indefinite weight
Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. A: 379.
Gjini, Erida
; Wood, Kevin B. (2021)
Price equation captures the role of drug interactions and collateral effects in the evolution of multidrug resistance
eLife: 10, e64851.
Gjini, Erida
; Madec, Sten (2021)
The ratio of single to co-colonization is key to complexity in interacting systems with multiple strains
Ecology and Evolution: 11 (13).
Rebelo, Carlota
; Soresina, Cinzia (2020)
Coexistence in seasonally varying predator-prey systems with Allee effect
Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl.: 55.
Madec, Sten;
Gjini, Erida
Predicting N-Strain Coexistence from Co-colonization Interactions: Epidemiology Meets Ecology and the Replicator Equation
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology: 82 (142).
Oliveira, Diana; Aguiar-Rosa, Sílvia;
Tiago, Jorge
; Ferreira, Rui Cruz; Agapito, Ana Figueiredo;
Sequeira, Adélia
Bicuspid aortic valve aortopathies: An hemodynamics characterization in dilated aortas
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering.
Ardakani, V.; Tu, X.;
Gambaruto, A. M.
Velho, Iolanda
Tiago, Jorge
Sequeira, Adélia
Pereira, Ricardo Henriques
Near-Wall Flow in Cerebral Aneurysms
Fluids: 4(2), 89.
Apura, João;
Tiago, Jorge
Moura, Alexandra
; Lourenço, José Artur ;
Sequeira, Adélia
The effect of ventricular volume increase on the amplitude of intercranial pressure
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering.
Guerra, Telma
; Catarino, C.; Mestre, T.; Santos, S.;
Tiago, Jorge
Sequeira, Adélia
A data assimilation approach for non-Newtonian blood flow simulations in 3D geometries
Applied Mathematics and Computation: 321: 176-194,
Apura, J.;
Tiago, Jorge
Sequeira, Adélia
Rosário, Luís Brás
Numerical modeling of cardiovascular physiology. Study of dynamic changes during autonomic reflexes
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., IFMBE Proceedings: 65, 278-281.
Gudiño, Elias
Sequeira, Adélia
3D Mathematical model for blood flow and non-Fickian mass transport by a coronary drug-eluting stent
Applied Mathematical Modelling: 46, 161-180.
Tiago, Jorge
Guerra, Telma
Sequeira, Adélia
A velocity tracking approach for the data assimilation problem in blood flow simulations
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, (in press).
Silva-Herdade, Ana S.
Sequeira, Adélia
; Ângelo Calado;
Kafi, Oualid
; M. Carlota Saldanha (2017)
Hydrodynamics of a free-flowing leukocyte toward the endothelial wall
Microvascular Research: 112, 7-13.
Gudiño, Elias
; Oishi, C. M. ;
Sequeira, Adélia
Modeling of non-Fickian diffusion and dissolution from a thin polymeric coating: an application on drug-eluting stents
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering: 1-26, published online.
Gudiño, Elias
; Oishi, C. M. ;
Sequeira, Adélia
Multiscale boundary conditions for non-Fickian diffusion applied to drug eluting stents
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics: 77(4), 1184-1203.
Kafi, Oualid
; El Khatib, N.;
Tiago, Jorge
Sequeira, Adélia
Numerical Simulations of a 3D Fluid-Structure Interaction Model for Blood Flow in an Atherosclerotic Artery
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering: 14, 179-193.
Tricerri, Paolo
; Dedé, L.;
Gambaruto, A. M.
; Quarteroni, A.;
Sequeira, Adélia
A numerical study of isotropic and anisotropic constitutive models with relevance to healthy and unhealthy cerebral arterial tissues
International Journal of Engineering Science: 101, 126 - 155.
Apura, J.;
Rosário, Luís Brás
; Pinto, F.; Rocha, I.;
Sequeira, Adélia
Cardiac chemoreflex control of cardiac stroke work and energy consumption
FASEB Journal: 30(1), S. 1286.5.
Jantarada, Ana
Gambaruto, A. M.
Tiago, Jorge
Sequeira, Adélia
Computational advances applied to medical image processing: an update
Open Acess Bioinformatics (Dove Medical Press): 8, 1-15.
Javad Hatami
Tiago, Jorge
Sequeira, Adélia
Computational modeling of megakaryocytic differentiation of umbilical cord blood-derived stem/progenitor cells
Computers and Chemical Engineering: 94, 117-127.
Silva, Telma
Sequeira, Adélia
Santos, Rafael F.
Tiago, Jorge
Existence, uniqueness, stability and asymptotic behaviour of solutions for a mathematical model of atherosclerosis
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems: Series S 9, Issue1, 343 - 362.
Bessonov, N. ;
Sequeira, Adélia
; Simanov, S. ; Vassilevskii, Y. ; Volpert, V. (2016)
Methods of blood flow modelling
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena: 11(1), 1-25.
Pavlova, Jevgenija
; Fasano, Antonio;
Sequeira, Adélia
Numerical simulations of a reduced model for blood coagulation
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik - ZAMP: 67:28,
Tricerri, Paolo
; Dede, L.; Deparis, S. ; Quarteroni, A.; Robertson, A.;
Sequeira, Adélia
Fluid-structure interaction simulations of cerebral arteries modeled by isotropic and anisotropic constitutive laws
Computational Mechanics: 55(3), 479-498.
Tiago, Jorge
Numerical simulations for the stabilization and estimation problem of a semilinear partial differential equation
Applied Numerical Mathematics: 98, 18-37.
Pavlova, Jevgenija
Janela, João
Sequeira, Adélia
Numerical validation of a synthetic cell-based model of blood coagulation
Journal of Theoretical Biology: 380, 367-379.
Sequeira, Adélia
; Bodnár, T. (2014)
Blood Coagulation Simulations using a Viscoelastic Model
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena: 9 (06), 34-45.
Bras-Rosario, L.; Nunes, C.;
Moura, Alexandra
; Rocha, I.; Pinto, F.;
Sequeira, Adélia
Influence of the baroreflex on the evolution of ventriculo arterial coupling
The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology: 28(1), 681.3.
Guerra, Telma
Tiago, Jorge
Sequeira, Adélia
Optimal Control in Blood Flow Simulations
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics: 64, 57-69.
Tiago, Jorge
Gambaruto, A. M.
Sequeira, Adélia
Patient-specific blood flow simulations: setting Dirichlet boundary conditions for minimal error with respect to measured data
Mathematical Models of Natural Phenomena: 9(6), 98-116.
Rossi, Simone
; Lassila, T.; Ruiz-Baier, R.;
Sequeira, Adélia
; Quarteroni, A. (2014)
Termodinamically consistent orthotropic activation model capturing ventricular systolic wall thickening in cardiac electromechanics
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids: 48, 129-142.
Fasano, Antonio;
Pavlova, Jevgenija
Sequeira, Adélia
A Synthetic Model for Blood Coagulation Including Blood Slip at the Vessel Wall
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation: 54(1), 1-14.
Silva, Telma
Sequeira, Adélia
Santos, Rafael F.
Tiago, Jorge
Mathematical modeling of atherosclerotic plaque formation coupled with a non-Newtonian model of blood flow
Conference Papers in Mathematics: 2013, 405914.
Gambaruto, A. M.
Janela, João
Moura, Alexandra
Sequeira, Adélia
Shear-Thinning Effects of Hemodynamics in Patient-Specific Cerebral Aneurysms
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering: 10(3), 649-665.
Guerra, Telma
Distributed control for shear-thinning non-Newtonian fluids
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics: 14(4), 771-789.
Moura, Alexandra
Sequeira, Adélia
Modeling and simulation of the human cardiovascular system
CIM Bulletin (International Center for Mathematics): 31, 27-34.
Ramalho, S.;
Moura, Alexandra
Gambaruto, A. M.
Sequeira, Adélia
Sensitivity to Outflow Boundary Conditions and Level of Geometry Description for a Cerebral Aneurysm
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering: 28(6-7), 697-713.
Sequeira, Adélia
Santos, Rafael F.
; Bodnar, Tomas (2011)
Blood Coagulation Dynamics: Mathematical Modeling and Stability Results
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering: 8(2), 425-443.
Smith, Keith D.;
Sequeira, Adélia
Micro-Macro Simulations of a Shear-Thinning Viscoelastic Kinetic Model: Applications to Blood Flow
Applicable Analysis: 90(1), 227-252.
Bodnar, T.;
Sequeira, Adélia
; Prosi, M. (2011)
On the Shear-Thinning and Viscoelastic Effects of Blood Flow Under Various Flow Rates
Applied Mathematics and Computation: 217(11), 5055-5067.
- Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics
Instituto Superior Têcnico
Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade de Lisboa