Direct and inverse problems in the one-speed transport theory - Part II
Orador: Nilson Costa Roberty
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil |
Direct and inverse problems in the one-speed transport theory - Part I
Orador: Nilson Costa Roberty
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil |
Tests Robustos en el Modelo de Regresión Logística
Orador: Ana M. Bianco
IC/FCEN - Universidade de Buenos Aires |
Modelling of Physiological Flows (MPF 2006)
Orador: Alexandra Moura
Misleading signals in joint schemes for the mean and the variance
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
Topics in Semigroups
Orador: Boris Schein
Univ. Fayetteville, USA |
Serre's notion of complete reducibility for algebraic groups and geometric invariant theory
Orador: Gerhard Röhrle
University Southampton, UK |
International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2006)
Orador: Alexandra Moura
5th World Conference in Biomechanics (WCB 2006)
Orador: Alexandra Moura
On an advanced mathematical model for blood coagulation
Orador: Tomás Bodnar
Dept. of Tech. Mathematics, Czech Tech. University of Prague and CEMAT/IST |
Biophysical properties in an experimental animal model of inflamation by intravial microscopy
Orador: Ana Santos Silva
Instituto de Biopatologia Química - FML |
On the application of a fractional step finite volume method for solving a blood flow problem in a channel
Orador: Iliya Brayanov
Departamento de Matemática and CEMAT - IST |
Which force triggers and dominates rolling of leukocytes?
Orador: Abdel Monim Artoli
Departamento de Matemática and CEMAT - IST |
Benchmarking of 2D and 3D numerical solvers for generalized Newtonian flows using semi-analytical solutions
Orador: João Paulo Janela
A meshless multiregion - BEM approach for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations
Orador: Euripides Sellountos
Departamento de Matemática and CEMAT - IST |
An approach to improve Convergence Order in Finite Volume Methods and its Application in Finite Element Methods
Orador: Abdallah Bradji
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany |
Toward turbulence description using Boltzmann: Theory and Computations
Orador: Sharath S. Girimaji
Aerospace Engineering Dept.,Texas A&M University, USA |
Automorphism Groups Squares of Finite Algebras
Orador: Keith Kearnes
University of Colorado at Boulder, USA |
Axiomatizable Congruence Prevarieties
Orador: Keith Kearnes
University of Colorado at Boulder, USA |
Dualizable Algebras in Congruence Modular Varieties
Orador: Keith Kearnes
University of Colorado at Boulder, USA |