Numerical analysis for distributed order differential equations
Orador: Neville Ford
University of Chester |
Métodos robustos para regressão com erros autocorrelacionados
Orador: Isabel Rodrigues
CEMAT and Department of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico |
Positividade e núcleos reprodutores
Orador: Jorge Buescu
FCUL, Portugal |
The Boundary Element Method for solving the Navier Stokes equations
Orador: Euripides Sellountos
Cleaning a graph
Orador: Richard Nowakowski
Universidade de Dalhousie, Canadá |
Shallow Water Model for Lakes with Friction and Penetration
Orador: Nikolai Chemetov
Approaching cosets using Green's relations and Schutzenberger groups
Orador: Robert Gray
University of St Andrews, UK |
Partial Actions of Inverse Monoids on K-Rings
Orador: Christopher Hollings
CAUL, Portugal |
Universal algebra and CSP
Orador: Catarina Carvalho
CAUL, Portugal |
The geometrical multiscale modelling in hemodynamics and
Orador: Alexandra Moura
CEMAT/Dep. Matemática IST |
The geometrical multiscale modelling in hemodynamics and hemorheology
Orador: Alexandra Moura
Schensted correspondence and Littelmann paths
Orador: Karin Erdmann
University of Oxford, UK
Regressão Robusta
Orador: João Branco
CEMAT and Department of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico |
From medical imaging to CFD
Orador: Alberto Gambaruto
Singular value of partially prescribed matrices, ETFs, etc...
Orador: Marko Stosic
IST, Portugal |
Weak coupling stabilization in fluid-structure interaction involving fluid incompressibility
Orador: Miguel Fernandez
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Paris |
Variações sobre um lema de Yoneda
Orador: Dirk Hofmann
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal |
A materialisation of Frobenius determinantal formula in prime characteristic
Orador: Ivan Yudin
Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal |
Maximum norm a posteriori error estimates for singularly perturbed
differential equations
Orador: Natalia Kopteva
University of Limmerick, Ireland |
Semigrupos numéricos proporcionalmente modulares
Orador: Manuel Branco
Universidade de Évora, Portugal |