On some mathematical and computational problems of atmosphere modeling
Speaker: Andrei Bourchtein
Universidade Federal de Pelotas (Brasil) |
Generalized hexagons and octagons with primitive automorphism groups
Speaker: Csaba Schneider
Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapeste, Hungria |
Bruhat graph of the symmetric group and size of special intervals
Speaker: Alessandro Conflitti
CMUC, Portugal |
Automata, semigroups and duality
Speaker: Jean-Eric Pin
Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot, França |
Fast and strongly localized observation for the Schrödingerequation in a rectangular domain
Speaker: Marius Tucsnak
Institut Élie Cartan - Université de Nancy |
Exploring Pattern Classes of Permutations using Finite State Automata
Speaker: Steve Linton
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Computational Algebra, CIRCA, St. Andrews, UK |
The LieAlgDB Project: Listing Lie algebras in GAP
Speaker: Csaba Schneider
Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapeste, Hungria |
Some algorithms over finite fields
Speaker: Alessandro Conflitti
CMUC, Portugal
Stochastic Ordering: from the Lorenz curve to Quality Control
Speaker: Manuel Cabral Morais
Departamento de Matemática e CEMAT, Instituto Superior Técnico |
Stochastic Ordering: from the Lorenz curve to Quality Control
Speaker: Manuel Cabral Morais
Ordenação em excedência de nível e aplicações
Speaker: Fátima Ferreira
UTAD (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro) e CEMAT |
Some Model Problems of Modern Nonlinear Science
Speaker: Liudmila Uvarova
Moscow State University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematics |
Scattering by obstacles and wave problem of minimal resistance
Speaker: Evgeny Lakshtanov
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal |
Filtrations on the sheaf of temperate holomorphic functions
Speaker: Pierre Schapira
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, França |
Sobre o monóide potência de um grupo finito
Speaker: Benjamin Steinberg
Carleton University, Canadá |
Mathematical modelling of mass dynamics for arterial drug-eluting stents
Speaker: Giuseppe Pontrelli
IAC-CNR, Roma, Italia |
Pricing and equilibrium behavior for a Markovian queue with server vacations
Speaker: Antonis Economou
DM, University of Athens |
An excursion through the algebras of Lukasiewicz infinite-valued logic
Speaker: Roberto Cignoli
Universidade de Buenos Aires, Argentina |
De Finetti's coherence criterion for [0,1]-valued logics: bookmaking over non-boolean events
Speaker: Daniele Mundici
Universidade de Florença, Itália |
Um Método Híbrido para Problemas Inversos de Difracção Acústica
Speaker: Pedro Serranho
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (ESTG) and CEMAT-IST |