Dense classes of multivariate extreme value distributions
Orador: John Nolan
American University CAS- Math and Statistics |
Dengue outbreak mitigation via instant releases
Orador: Jesús Bellver Arnau
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions and INRIA, Paris |
Minimizing epidemic final size through social distancing
Orador: Pierre-Alexandre Bliman
Inria and Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Paris |
Predator-prey dynamics with hunger structure
Orador: Paulo Amorim
Instituto de Matemática - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
Modelling and prediction in recurrent time-to-event sports injury data: a penalized Cox regression approach
Orador: Dae-Jin Lee
Basque Center for Applied Statistics |
Extreme value threshold selection and uncertainty
Orador: Paul Northrop
Department of Statistical Science, University College London |
Mathematical Models in Epidemiology. The COVID-19 case.
Orador: Henrique Oliveira
Instituto Superior Técnico, Department of Mathematics and CMAGSD |
Detecting tail probabilities
Orador: Clara Cordeiro
FCT, Universidade do Algarve e CEAUL |
Diagnostic Tools to Conditional Density Models
Orador: Rafael Izbicki
Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil |
Some results on predator-prey and competitive population dynamics
Orador: Carlota Rebelo
Departamento de Matemática FCUL and CEMAT, Lisboa, Portugal |
Applications and Extensions of the Iterated Local Search
Orador: Helena Ramalhinho Lourenço
Universidade Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona |
A nonparametric estimator of the extremal index
Orador: Juan Juan Cai
Department of Econometrics and Data Science, School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Modelling dependence between observed and simulated wind speed data using copulas
Orador: Patrícia de Zea Bermudez
Departamento de Estatística e Investigação Operacional e CEAUL, Universidade de Lisboa |
Bayesian state-space models for understanding and managing infectious disease challenges
Orador: Mafalda Viana
Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK |
Understanding the dynamics of co-colonization systems with multiple strains
Orador: Erida Gjini
Instituto Superior Técnico |
Extremal behaviour and rare events point processes for chaotic dynamical systems
Orador: Ana Cristina Moreira Freitas
Faculdade de Economia e Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto |
News from the Max-INAR(1) process for time series of counts
Orador: Manuel Scotto
Instituto Superior Técnico and CEMAT |
Gradient boosting for extreme quantile regression
Orador: Sebastian Engelke
University of Geneva |
Extremes modelling of imputed missing data under a periodic control
Orador: Ana Paula Martins
Faculty of Sciences of University of Beira Interior and CMA |
Gielis Transformations in mathematics, the natural sciences and technological applications
Orador: Johan Gielis
Genicap Beheer BV (www.genicap.com); The Antenna Company International (www.antennacompany.com); University of Antwerp, Bio-Engineering Sciences |