Multi-orderable groups
Speaker: Peter Cameron
Queen Mary, University of London, UK |
Automorphic Loops
Speaker: Michael Kinyon
University of Denver, USA |
Applications and Perspectives of Industrial CFD in Portugal
Speaker: Nelson Marques
blueCAPE |
Distributive inverse semigroups
Speaker: Mark Lawson
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh |
On non-commutative Stone duality
Speaker: Ganna Kudryavtseva
Ljubljana University, Slovenia |
The inviscid limit for the Navier-Stokes equations
Speaker: Fernanda Cipriano
GFM-UL e Departamento de Matemática FCT-UNL |
Representations of semigroups - Talk 5: Representations from higher categories
Speaker: Volodymyr Mazorchuk
Uppsala University, Sweden |
Speaker: Volodymyr Mazorchuk
Uppsala University, Sweden |
Representations of semigroups - Talk 4: Effective representations
Speaker: Volodymyr Mazorchuk
Uppsala University, Sweden |
Representations of semigroups - Talk 3: Irreducible representations of classical transformation semigroups
Speaker: Volodymyr Mazorchuk
Uppsala University, Sweden |
$L_p$-estimates for the solutions of linear problems arising in the study of free boundary problems for a viscous incompressible liquid.
Speaker: V. Solonnikov
St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences |
Representations of semigroups - Talk 2: Irreducible representations - general case
Speaker: Volodymyr Mazorchuk
Uppsala University, Sweden |
Representations of semigroups - Talk 1: Transitive actions on a set
Speaker: Volodymyr Mazorchuk
Uppsala University, Sweden |
Part II: Sublattices of Associahedra and Permutohedra Equations satisfied by Associahedra
Speaker: Luigi Santocanale
LIF/CMI, Marseille, France |
Part I: Sublattices of Associahedra and Permutohedra Equations satisfied by Associahedra
Speaker: Luigi Santocanale
LIF/CMI, Marseille, France |
Left restriction semigroups - embeddability into W-products
Speaker: Mária B. Szendrei
University of Szeged, Hungary |
Derivatives for equational theories
Speaker: Luís Sequeira
CAUL/FCUL, Portugal |
Working Seminars on Noncommutative Lattices - Talk 3: Skew Boolean algebras. Congruences. Subdirectly irreducibles. Aspects of Stone’s duality for skew lattices.
Speaker: João Pita Costa
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Working Seminars on Noncommutative Lattices - Talk 2: Distributivity and cancellation. Varieties of skew lattices. Skew lattices in rings.
Speaker: João Pita Costa
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Working Seminars on Noncommutative Lattices - Talk 1: Basic concepts. Rectangular structure. Order structure. Decomposition theorems. Coset structure decomposition.
Speaker: João Pita Costa
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |