I) Statistical Applications in Climatology. II) Predicting the weather for the next week, outlook of the climate for the XXIst century
Speaker: I) Vanda Pires. II) Pedro Viterbo
IPMA, Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera |
I) Statistical Applications in Climatology. II) Predicting the weather for the next week, outlook of the climate for the XXIst century
Speaker: I) Vanda Pires. II) Pedro Viterbo
IPMA, Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera |
The Traceless Oldroyd viscoelastic model
Speaker: Marília Pires
Departamento de Matemática, CIMA, Universidade de Évora |
On Eigenvalues of the Transition Matrix of some Count Data Markov Chains
Speaker: Christian Weiss
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Helmut Schmidt Universität |
On Eigenvalues of the Transition Matrix of some Count Data Markov Chains
Speaker: Christian Weiss
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Helmut Schmidt Universität |
On the decidability of conjugacy for homogeneous monoids
Speaker: António Malheiro
On Cerný’s conjecture for synchronizing automata
Speaker: Jorge Orestes Cerdeira
Statistical Modeling of Integer-valued Time Series: An Introduction
Speaker: Manuel Scotto
CEMAT and Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa |
FibReGen: Modelling Myofibre Regeneration
Speaker: Kathleen Curran
University College Dublin |
On stochastic ordering and control charts for the traffic intensity
Speaker: Manuel Cabral Morais
CEMAT and DM-IST, Univ. de Lisboa |
On stochastic ordering and control charts for the traffic intensity
Speaker: Manuel Cabral Morais
Optimal control of epidemiological models
Speaker: Cristiana Silva
CIDMA - Universidade de Aveiro |
Behind the myth of Option Trading
Speaker: Christopher Claude
BNP Paribas, Lisbon |
Regular cost functions and stabilization monoids
Speaker: Thomas Colcombet
LIAFA, Univ. Paris Diderot |
Regular cost functions and stabilization monoids
Speaker: Thomas Colcombet
LIAFA, Université Paris Diderot |
On ARL-unbiased c-charts for i.i.d. and INAR(1) Poisson counts
Speaker: Manuel Cabral Morais
Random walks on semaphore codes and delay de Bruijn semigroups
Speaker: Pedro Silva
Universidade do Porto |
The unpredictable higher dimensional Thompson groups
Speaker: Francesco Matucci
Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas |
Effective behavior of lattices with angular interactions
Speaker: Annie Raoult
Université Paris Descartes, France |
Innovative Modeling Techniques for Predictive Medicine (Workshop)
Speaker: Adélia Sequeira