Polynomial identity enveloping algebras
09/04/2010 Sexta-feira, 9 de Abril de 2010, 14h30m, Anfiteatro
Hamid Usefi (Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Canada)
Let L be a Lie (super)-algebra over a field F with the enveloping
algebra U(L).
In this talk we consider the case when U(L) satisfies a polynomial identity
Latyshev proved that if L is a Lie algebra over a field of characteristic
zero then U(L) satisfies a PI if and only if L is abelian.
Bahturin extended Latyshev's result to positive characteristic. A
polynomial identity is called non-matrix if M_2(F) does not satisfy this
We shall mainly focus on non-matrix identities and try to give a
characterization of Lie superalgebras when their enveloping algebras satisfy
a non-matrix PI. The talk will be aimed at graduate-student level and
general algebraist.