Why we need non-linear time series models and why we are not using
them so often
07/03/2012 Wednesday 7th March 2012, 14:30 (Room P3.10, Mathematics Building)
K F Turkman, CEAUL - DEIO - FCUL - University of Lisbon
The Wold Decomposition theorem says that under fairly general
conditions, a stationary time series $X_t$ has a unique linear causal
representation in terms of uncorrelated random variables. However,
The Wold Decomposition theorem gives us a representation, not a
model for $X_t$, in the sense that we can only recover uniquely the
moments of $X_t$ up to second order from this representation, unless
the input series is a Gaussian sequence. If we look for models for
$X_t$, then we should look for such model within the class of
convergent Volterra series expansions. If we have to go beyond
second order properties, and many real data sets from financial and
environmental sciences indicate that we should, then linear models
with iid Gaussian input are a very tiny, insignificant fraction of
possible models for a stationary time series, corresponding to the
first term of the infinite order Volterra expansion. On the other
hand, Volterra series expansions are not particularly useful as a
possible class of models, as conditions of stationarity and
invertibility are hard to check, if not impossible, therefore they
have very limited use as models for time series, unless the input
series is observable. From a prediction point of view, the
Projection Theorem for Hilbert spaces tells us how to obtain the
best linear predictor for $X_{t+k}$ within the linear span of $\{X_t, X_{t-1},
\dots,\}$ , but when linear predictors are not sufficiently good, it is
not straightforward to find, if possible at all, the best predictor
within richer subspaces constructed over $\{X_t, X_{t-1},
\dots,\}$. It is
therefore important to look for classes of nonlinear models to
improve upon the linear predictor, which are sufficiently general,
but at the same time are sufficiently flexible to work with. There
are many ways a time series can be nonlinear. As a consequence,
there are many classes of nonlinear models to explain such
nonlinearities, but whose probabilistic characteristics are
difficult to study, not to mention the difficulties associated with
modeling issues. Likelihood based inference is particularly a
difficult issue as for most nonlinear processes, we can not even
write the likelihood. However, recently there has been very
exciting advances in simulation based inferential methods such as
sequential Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Particle filters and
Approximate Bayesian Computation methods for generalized state
space models which we will mention briefly.