Eventos > Applied and Numerical Analysis Seminar

Dissipation of energy in fluid-filled poroelastic materials

06/04/2006 Thursday 6th April 2006, 15:30 (Room P3.31, Mathematics Building)  More
Fabien Borocin, University of Edinburgh, U.K.

In a first case, the energy is provided by propagating elastic waves through visco-poroelastic layers. To investigate how seismic waves interact at the interface between sediment layers we introduce Biot theory of poroelasticity. On the way we clarify the long standing problem of reflection-transmission coefficients at the interface of poroelastic materials with applications to oil exploration and glaciology. In a second case, energy is provided by heat source at the boundary. To investigate modern solutions for orthopaedic surgeries, we look at heat dissipation during bone cutting. Finally, we will suggest use of poroelasticity in modelling blood flow in micro-vessels.