Eventos > Applied and Numerical Analysis Seminar

Numerical methods for fluid-structure interaction problems with valves

12/12/2008 Friday 12th December 2008, 15:30 (Room P6, Mathematics Building)  More
Nuno Diniz dos Santos, CEMAT - IST

This talk is motivated by the modeling and simulation of fluid-structure interaction phenomena in the vicinity of heart valves. On the one hand, the interaction of the vessel wall is dealt with an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation. On the other hand the interaction of the valves is treated with the help of Lagrange multipliers in a Fictitious Domains-like (FD) formulation. After a synthetic presentation of the several methods available for the fluid-structure interaction in blood flows, a method that permits capture the dynamics of a valve immersed in an incompressible fluid is described. The coupling algorithm is partitioned which allows the fluid and structure solvers to remain independent. In order to follow the vessel walls, the fluid mesh is mobile, but it remains none the less independent of the valve mesh. In this way we allow large displacements without the need to perform remeshing. We propose a strategy to manage contact between several immersed structures. The algorithm is completely independent of the structure solver and is well adapted to the partitioned fluid-structure coupling. The methods considered are followed with several numerical tests in 2D and 3D.