Three-Dimensional Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations: Recent
results on the local regularity of weak solutions
02/07/2001 Monday 2nd July 2001, 11:00 (Room P3.10, Mathematics Building)
Patrick Penel, Université de Toulon-Var
<p>The Navier-Stokes equations are known since the 19th century.
They were derived under the assumption that the fluid is a
continuous medium, under Newton's law, and moreover under an a
priori assumption that velocity and pressure have a certain
smoothness. The existence of solutions with this smoothness in a
3D-case still remains an open mathematical problem!</p>
<p>Comment: There exist mechanisms in real fluids which do not
enable the speed of motion to increase above all limits. It is
highly desirable to know whether the Navier-Stokes model (a <em>
good</em> model?) also involves such mechanisms or whether it
admits solutions with singularities?</p>