Research Areas
Algebra and Computing
Applied and Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Applied and Numerical Analysis Seminar
Probability and Statistics Seminar
Algebra Seminars
CEMAT's Open Seminar
Scientific Meetings
Open Positions
Institutional Address
Papers in International Journals
Guterman, Alexander; Lemos, Rute;
Soares, Graça
Extremal Case in Marcus-Oliveira Conjecture and Beyond
. Linear & Multilinear Algebra: 61(9), 1206-1222.
Korhonen, Iikka; Ledyaeva, Svetlana (2010)
Trade Linkages and Macroeconomic Effects of the Price of Oil
. Energy Economics: 32(4), 848-856.
Bebiano, N; Lemos, R; Da Providencia, J; Soares, G (2005)
On the Geometry of Numerical Ranges in Spaces with an Indefinite Inner Product
. Linear Algebra and Its Applications: 399, 17-34.
Bebiano, N; Nakazato, H; Da Providencia, J; Lemos, R; Soares, G (2005)
Inequalities for J-Hermitian Matrices
. Linear Algebra and Its Applications: 407, 125-139.
Bebiano, N; Soares, G (2005)
Three Observations on the Determinantal Range
. Linear Algebra and Its Applications: 401, 211-220.
Khatir, Z (2004)
A Boundary Element Method for the Numerical Investigation of Near-Wall Fluid Flow with Vortex Method Simulation
. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements: 28(11), 1405-1416.
Bebiano, N; Lemos, R; Da Providencia, J; Soares, G (2004)
On Generalized Numerical Ranges of Operators on an Indefinite Inner Product Space
. Linear & Multilinear Algebra: 52(3-4), 203-233.
Li, CK; Semrl, P; Soares, G (2001)
Linear Operators Preserving the Numerical Range (Radius) on Triangular Matrices
. Linear & Multilinear Algebra: 48(4), 281-292.
A Generalization of the Duality Compactness Theorem
Periodicidade em Palavras Bidimensionais
Qualquer Semigrupo é Isomorfo a um Subsemigrupo do Semigrupo dos Endomorfismos de uma Álgebra de Ockham
Uma abordagem topológica aos teoremas do tipo Reidemeister-Schreir para semigrupos inversos
The approximate solution of fractional Differential Equations
Optimal Bounds and <i>H</i>-measures
Purity in module categories and functor rings
Operações implicitas sobre a pseudovariedade dos semigrupos localmente idempotentes e localmente comutativos
Álgebras com dimensões homológicas baixas
The high field asymptotics for degenerate semiconductors
A non iterative process for cracks identification
Ortoreticulados, algumas noções básicas
Resolução numérica de problemas de valores de fronteira singulares para equações de Emden-Fowler
A non destructive approach for the identification of elastic contact stresses
Axiomatisability of class of S-acts
Uma Introdução à Teoria de Representação de Álgebras
Matrizes e isometrias do plano hiperbólico
Resolução numérica de problemas de valores de fronteira singulares para equações de Emden-Fowler
A remark on the removable singularities for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation
Propagação do erro na integração numérica de ondas solitárias
Gauss-Manin systems for polynomials
Strong solutions for non-newtonian fluids for small times
Analysis of jump-diffusion operators
Álgebras com reticulado de congruências modular
Alguns resultados acerca de operadores de potência sobre pseudovariedades
Lógica modal básica e aplicações
Formal Languages and Group Theory
Canonical Extensions of Distributive Lattice Expansions
Applications to q-integers in Approximation Theory
From Archimedes to Gauss and the AGM - an account of double-mean processes
The ind-sheaf of temperate holomorphic functions
Aspectos topológicos da Álgebra
Symmetry of crystal basis
Homological and Finiteness Properties of Rewriting Systems
Characterization of complete sublattices of a given complete lattice
Conjugate pairs of additive closure operators and complete sublattices of a complete lattice
Sobre a eficiência de um algoritmo para calcular o núcleo abeliano de um monóide
Semidirect decompositions of inverse semigroups
Pseudovarieties generated by their regular members
Rings graded by inverse semigroups
Natural Dualities
General products and decompositions of rings
(More) General Discriminators
On Ekaterinburg seminar: "Algebraic systems"
On the Center of the Enveloping Algebra of a Classical Simple Lie Algebra
Profinite identities for finite semigroups whose subgroup belong to a given pseudovariety
Alguns resulta
dos acerca de operadores de potência sobre pseudovariedades
Colóquio de Semigrupos
Abstract Algebraic Logic. Applications to Computer Science (II)
Vizinhanças da diagonal de Weil e conexões de Galois: uniformidades em reticulados locais
- Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics
Instituto Superior Têcnico
Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade de Lisboa