Áreas de Investigação
Álgebra e Computação
Análise Numérica e Aplicações
Modelação Matemática em Biomedicina
Estatística e Processos Estocásticos
Applied and Numerical Analysis Seminar
Probability and Statistics Seminar
Seminários de Álgebra
CEMAT's Open Seminar
Encontros Científicos
Morada Institucional
Artigos em Revistas Internacionais
Guterman, Alexander; Lemos, Rute;
Soares, Graça
Extremal Case in Marcus-Oliveira Conjecture and Beyond
. Linear & Multilinear Algebra: 61(9), 1206-1222.
Korhonen, Iikka; Ledyaeva, Svetlana (2010)
Trade Linkages and Macroeconomic Effects of the Price of Oil
. Energy Economics: 32(4), 848-856.
Bebiano, N; Nakazato, H; Da Providencia, J; Lemos, R; Soares, G (2005)
Inequalities for J-Hermitian Matrices
. Linear Algebra and Its Applications: 407, 125-139.
Bebiano, N; Soares, G (2005)
Three Observations on the Determinantal Range
. Linear Algebra and Its Applications: 401, 211-220.
Bebiano, N; Lemos, R; Da Providencia, J; Soares, G (2005)
On the Geometry of Numerical Ranges in Spaces with an Indefinite Inner Product
. Linear Algebra and Its Applications: 399, 17-34.
Khatir, Z (2004)
A Boundary Element Method for the Numerical Investigation of Near-Wall Fluid Flow with Vortex Method Simulation
. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements: 28(11), 1405-1416.
Bebiano, N; Lemos, R; Da Providencia, J; Soares, G (2004)
On Generalized Numerical Ranges of Operators on an Indefinite Inner Product Space
. Linear & Multilinear Algebra: 52(3-4), 203-233.
Li, CK; Semrl, P; Soares, G (2001)
Linear Operators Preserving the Numerical Range (Radius) on Triangular Matrices
. Linear & Multilinear Algebra: 48(4), 281-292.
Working towards a typology of indices of agreement for clustering evaluation
A dimensão de representação: uma visão geral e resultados recentes
(07/12/2018) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Suitable Far-field Boundary Conditions for Wall-bounded Stratified Flows
Taking Mathematics to Heart
Necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of minimizers for vector problems in the Calculus of Variations
Mix *-quantales and the continuous weak order
(03/10/2018) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
An Eilenberg-like Theorem beyond regular languages
(25/05/2018) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
A remarkable identity for words on finite alphabets
(14/05/2018) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Álgebras de Estabilização
(20/04/2018) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Categoria de Lusternik-Schinrelmann e Grupos de Lie
(20/04/2018) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Processes with jumps in Finance
Robust inference for ROC regression
Challenges of Clustering
Central Results from Newton’s Principia Mathematica
The challenge of inserting wind power generation into the Brazilian hydrothermal optimal dispatch
Bayesian nonparametric inference for the covariate-adjusted ROC curve
Difference hierarchies
(18/12/2017) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
The Catalan monoid $C_5$ is inherently nonfinitely based relative to finite J-trivial semigroups
(05/12/2017) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Adaptive SVD-based Kalman filtering for state and parameter estimation of linear Gaussian dynamic stochastic models
GIS and geostatistics: Applications to climatology and meteorology
Tests for the Weights of the Global Minimum Variance Portfolio in a High-Dimensional Setting
Near-exact distributions – comfortable lying closer to exact distributions than common asymptotic distributions
GARCH processes and the phenomenon of misleading and unambiguous signals
Systems of Quasilinear Elliptic Equations with Weights
Some hot topics of maximum entropy research in economics and statistics
Statistical models for the relationship between daily temperature and mortality
Topological finiteness propertiesof monoids
(23/03/2017) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
The max-semistable laws: characterization, estimation and testing
Comparison of joint schemes for multivariate normal i.i.d. output
A hierarchy of models for the flow of fluids through porous solids
Perturbative methods in thermal imaging
Two cubic spline methods for solving Fredholm integral equations
An MFS-fading regularization approach to inverse BVPs in two-dimensional linear elasticity.
Binary autoregressive geometric modelling in a DNA context
Aplicações da Matemática a Simulações do Sistema Cardiovascular
Nonlinear Mechanics and Application in Life Sciences
(27/10/2016) Instituto Superior Técnico
Impossibility theorems over median algebras
(19/07/2016) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Álgebras de estabilização e funções de custo
(14/07/2016) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Formations of Monoids and Saturated Formations of Groups
(12/07/2016) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
A Munn tree type representation for the bifree locally inverse semigroup
(30/05/2016) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Short course on Isogeometric Analysis
I) Statistical Applications in Climatology. II) Predicting the weather for the next week, outlook of the climate for the XXIst century
I) Statistical Applications in Climatology. II) Predicting the weather for the next week, outlook of the climate for the XXIst century
The Traceless Oldroyd viscoelastic model
On Eigenvalues of the Transition Matrix of some Count Data Markov Chains
On Eigenvalues of the Transition Matrix of some Count Data Markov Chains
On the decidability of conjugacy for homogeneous monoids
(29/04/2016) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
On Cerný’s conjecture for synchronizing automata
(29/04/2016) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Statistical Modeling of Integer-valued Time Series: An Introduction
FibReGen: Modelling Myofibre Regeneration
- Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics
Instituto Superior Têcnico
Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade de Lisboa