Áreas de Investigação
Álgebra e Computação
Análise Numérica e Aplicações
Modelação Matemática em Biomedicina
Estatística e Processos Estocásticos
Applied and Numerical Analysis Seminar
Probability and Statistics Seminar
Seminários de Álgebra
CEMAT's Open Seminar
Encontros Científicos
Morada Institucional
Artigos em Revistas Internacionais
Guterman, Alexander; Lemos, Rute;
Soares, Graça
Extremal Case in Marcus-Oliveira Conjecture and Beyond
. Linear & Multilinear Algebra: 61(9), 1206-1222.
Korhonen, Iikka; Ledyaeva, Svetlana (2010)
Trade Linkages and Macroeconomic Effects of the Price of Oil
. Energy Economics: 32(4), 848-856.
Bebiano, N; Lemos, R; Da Providencia, J; Soares, G (2005)
On the Geometry of Numerical Ranges in Spaces with an Indefinite Inner Product
. Linear Algebra and Its Applications: 399, 17-34.
Bebiano, N; Nakazato, H; Da Providencia, J; Lemos, R; Soares, G (2005)
Inequalities for J-Hermitian Matrices
. Linear Algebra and Its Applications: 407, 125-139.
Bebiano, N; Soares, G (2005)
Three Observations on the Determinantal Range
. Linear Algebra and Its Applications: 401, 211-220.
Khatir, Z (2004)
A Boundary Element Method for the Numerical Investigation of Near-Wall Fluid Flow with Vortex Method Simulation
. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements: 28(11), 1405-1416.
Bebiano, N; Lemos, R; Da Providencia, J; Soares, G (2004)
On Generalized Numerical Ranges of Operators on an Indefinite Inner Product Space
. Linear & Multilinear Algebra: 52(3-4), 203-233.
Li, CK; Semrl, P; Soares, G (2001)
Linear Operators Preserving the Numerical Range (Radius) on Triangular Matrices
. Linear & Multilinear Algebra: 48(4), 281-292.
Inverse problems in space research
Variational reduction for the transport equation in a multiple
branching plants growth model
Análise Probabilística de Opções Reais
School and Conference on “Algebraic Geometry, D-modules and Foliations”
The Active Bijection in Graphs, Hyperplane Arrangements, and Oriented Matroids
The tame regular sequence and its application for the construction of 0-parameter formal solutions
Análise bayesiana de privação das famílias portuguesas
Small Solutions: Problems, Consequences and Detection
A numerical approach for a class of singular free boundary problems
Sobre o conjunto parcialmente ordenado induzido pela relação de menor entre funções booleanas e os seus membros irredutíveis
Formas normais de funções Booleanas
Quality of Experience assessment for network monitoring
D-Módulos equivariantes
Semelhança e triangularização simultânea de conjuntos de matrizes 2x2
Erros nos regressores: realismo, desconforto e desafios
Electrostatic Imaging and Conformal Mapping
Numerical analysis for distributed order differential equations
Métodos robustos para regressão com erros autocorrelacionados
Positividade e núcleos reprodutores
The Boundary Element Method for solving the Navier Stokes equations
Cleaning a graph
Shallow Water Model for Lakes with Friction and Penetration
Approaching cosets using Green's relations and Schutzenberger groups
The geometrical multiscale modelling in hemodynamics and
Schensted correspondence and Littelmann paths
Regressão Robusta
From medical imaging to CFD
Singular value of partially prescribed matrices, ETFs, etc...
Weak coupling stabilization in fluid-structure interaction involving fluid incompressibility
Variações sobre um lema de Yoneda
A materialisation of Frobenius determinantal formula in prime characteristic
Maximum norm a posteriori error estimates for singularly perturbed
differential equations
Semigrupos numéricos proporcionalmente modulares
A Bioestatística integrada numa perspectiva multidisciplinar
Hipergrafos, sucessões e dualidade: um contexto geral
Finite p-groups, Kantor systems, and generalized quadrangles
Robust estimators in Generalized Partially Linear Models
Robust statistics: an overview
Determinantal Inequalities: Ancient History and Recent Advances
A primer on C*-algebras
Sheaves on subanalytic sites and D-modules
Numerical Methods for Mixed Type Functional Equations
Exponential rings and Schanuel's Conjecture
Métodos de reamostragem para a estimação de medidas de precisão em sondagens
Mathematical Model of a Chemical Reaction Within a Small Cell, withApplications in Biosciences
Semigrupos Profinitos e Dinâmica Simbólica
Analysis of a Stochastic Model for Flash Crowd Scenarios
On the identification and reconstruction of sources in a potential
problem from boundary
A Data Completion Problem in ElectroCardioGraphy
On the structure of semisimple Hopf algebras
- Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics
Instituto Superior Têcnico
Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade de Lisboa