Research Areas
Algebra and Computing
Applied and Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Applied and Numerical Analysis Seminar
Probability and Statistics Seminar
Algebra Seminars
CEMAT's Open Seminar
Scientific Meetings
Open Positions
Institutional Address
Papers in International Journals
Guterman, Alexander; Lemos, Rute;
Soares, Graça
Extremal Case in Marcus-Oliveira Conjecture and Beyond
. Linear & Multilinear Algebra: 61(9), 1206-1222.
Korhonen, Iikka; Ledyaeva, Svetlana (2010)
Trade Linkages and Macroeconomic Effects of the Price of Oil
. Energy Economics: 32(4), 848-856.
Bebiano, N; Lemos, R; Da Providencia, J; Soares, G (2005)
On the Geometry of Numerical Ranges in Spaces with an Indefinite Inner Product
. Linear Algebra and Its Applications: 399, 17-34.
Bebiano, N; Nakazato, H; Da Providencia, J; Lemos, R; Soares, G (2005)
Inequalities for J-Hermitian Matrices
. Linear Algebra and Its Applications: 407, 125-139.
Bebiano, N; Soares, G (2005)
Three Observations on the Determinantal Range
. Linear Algebra and Its Applications: 401, 211-220.
Khatir, Z (2004)
A Boundary Element Method for the Numerical Investigation of Near-Wall Fluid Flow with Vortex Method Simulation
. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements: 28(11), 1405-1416.
Bebiano, N; Lemos, R; Da Providencia, J; Soares, G (2004)
On Generalized Numerical Ranges of Operators on an Indefinite Inner Product Space
. Linear & Multilinear Algebra: 52(3-4), 203-233.
Li, CK; Semrl, P; Soares, G (2001)
Linear Operators Preserving the Numerical Range (Radius) on Triangular Matrices
. Linear & Multilinear Algebra: 48(4), 281-292.
Form and flow in the nasal cavity
A new Gorenstein format
Numerical Experiments in Blood Rheology
António Aniceto Monteiro: um testemunho sobre o impacto recente da sua obra em Álgebras da Lógica
Modelos Aditivos Generalizados com função de ligação flexível
Modelação Estocástica em redes de telecomunicações
Subsemigrupos abundantes do monoide bicíclico
Instante Óptimo de Relocalização
Blood flow in bends: models, methods and simulations
Fluid-structure interaction algorithms for vascular dynamics based on Robin interface conditions
Modelling the cardiovascular system: the interplay of different
Some research problems on long range dependence
New algorithms in computational mathematics suited for next-generation supercomputers
On some mathematical and computational problems of atmosphere modeling
Generalized hexagons and octagons with primitive automorphism groups
Bruhat graph of the symmetric group and size of special intervals
Automata, semigroups and duality
Fast and strongly localized observation for the Schrödingerequation in a rectangular domain
Exploring Pattern Classes of Permutations using Finite State Automata
The LieAlgDB Project: Listing Lie algebras in GAP
Some algorithms over finite fields
Stochastic Ordering: from the Lorenz curve to Quality Control
Ordenação em excedência de nível e aplicações
Some Model Problems of Modern Nonlinear Science
Scattering by obstacles and wave problem of minimal resistance
Filtrations on the sheaf of temperate holomorphic functions
Sobre o monóide potência de um grupo finito
Mathematical modelling of mass dynamics for arterial drug-eluting stents
Pricing and equilibrium behavior for a Markovian queue with server vacations
An excursion through the algebras of Lukasiewicz infinite-valued logic
De Finetti's coherence criterion for [0,1]-valued logics: bookmaking over non-boolean events
Um Método Híbrido para Problemas Inversos de Difracção Acústica
Partial actions of groups and semigroups
Cálculo de Dedução Natural - bons e maus conectivos
Ascending chain conditions in groups, rings and modules
Unique Factorisation Monoids
Workshop on Semigroups and Applications
Attractors in confined source problems for coupled nonlinear diffusion
Numerical Solution of Distributed Order Differential Equations
Residual finiteness and other properties of (relative) one-relator groups
Navier-Stokes Equations: The Beauty and the Beast
Ideais em semireticulados de Heyting: homomorfismos abertos versus homomorfismos completos
Classificação de grupos sequenciais, em corpos finitos, para recorrências lineares de segunda ordem
Identification of star shaped sources from boundary measurements
Numerical simulation of viscoelastic free surface flows governed by the PTT constitutive equation: 2D and 3D flows
Subconjuntos R-pontuais de um semigrupo finito
Efficient computations of Green's relations and blocks in finite semigroups
Estabilidade na Grassmanniana de Sato. Aplicações ao espaço moduli de fibrados.
New methods in multi-state models
Smoothing and spline collocation for weakly singular Volterra integro-differential equations
- Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics
Instituto Superior Têcnico
Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade de Lisboa