Research Areas
Algebra and Computing
Applied and Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
Statistics and Stochastic Processes
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Probability and Statistics Seminar
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Algebra and Computing
Applied and Numerical Analysis
Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
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Papers in International Journals
Papers or Chapters in Edited Books
Communications in Conference Proceedings
Edition of Books
Papers in National Scientific Journals
(Member Type)
PhD Members
PhD Students
Former Members
Exclude submitted
Papers in International Journals
Lima, Pedro M.
; S. Sedaghat; S. Nemati (2018)
An effective numerical method for solving fractional pantograph differential equations using modification of hat functions,
Applied Numerical Mathematics: 131, 174-189.
Moghaddam, B. P. ; Tenreiro Machado, J. ;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Numerical approach for a class of distributed order time fractional partial differential equations
Applied Numerical Mathematics: 136, 152-162.
Lima, Pedro M.
; Bulatov, M.V.; Bellours, A. (2018)
Numerical solution of integro-differential equations arising from singular boundary value problems
Applied Mathematics and Computation: 336, 1-15.
Lima, Pedro M.
; S. Nemati (2018)
Numerical solution of nonlinear fractional integro-differential equations with weakly singular kernels via a modification of hat functions
Applied Mathematics and Computation: 327, 79-92.
Alves, Carlos J. S.
Valtchev, Svilen S.
On the application of the method of fundamental solutions to boundary value problems with jump discontinuities
Applied Mathematics and Computation: 320, 61–74.
Alves, Carlos J. S.
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
On the application of the method of fundamental solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements: 92, 267-274.
Almeida, Ricardo;
Morgado, M. Luísa
The Euler-Lagrange and Legendre equations for functionals involving distributed-order fractional derivatives
Applied Mathematics and Computation: 331, 394-403.
Ferrás, L. L.; Ford, Neville J. ;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Rebelo, Magda
; McKinley, Gareth H. ; Nóbrega,João M. (2018)
Theoretical and numerical analysis of unsteady fractional viscoelastic flows in simple geometries
Computers & Fluids: 174, 14-33.
Alves, Carlos J. S.
Martins, Nuno F. M.
Valtchev, Svilen S.
Trefftz methods with cracklets and their relation to BEM and MFS
Engineering Analysis and Boundary Elements: 95, 93-104.
Hishida, T. ;
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
; Takahashi, T. (2017)
A boundary control problem for the steady self- propelled motion of a rigid body in a Navier-Stokes fluid
Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis: 34 (6), 1507-1541.
Lima, Pedro M.
Morgado, M. Luísa
; Schöbinger, M. ; Weinmüller, E.B. (2017)
A Novel computational approach to singular free boundary problems in ordinary differential equations
Applied Numerical Mathematics: 114, 97-107.
Seyedallaei, Sonia
Diogo, Teresa
Rebelo, Magda
Analytical and computational methods for a class of nonlinear singular integral equations
Applied Numerical Mathematics: 114, 2-17.
Alves, Carlos J. S.
Martins, Nuno F. M.
Valtchev, Svilen S.
Extending the method of fundamental solutions to non-homogeneous elastic wave problems
Applied Numerical Mathematics: 115, 299-313.
Ford, N.J.;
Lima, Pedro M.
; Lumb, P.M. (2017)
Numerical investigation of noise induced changes to the solution behaviour of the discrete FitzHugh–Nagumo equation
Applied Mathematics and Computation: 293, 448-460.
Morgado, M. Luísa
; Ferrás, L.;
Rebelo, Magda
; Ford, N. (2017)
Numerical solution for diffusion equations with distributed order in time using a Chebyshev collocation method
Applied Numerical Mathematics: 114, 108-123.
Teodoro, Filomena
Numerical Solution of a Delay-Advanced Differential Equation from Physiology
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences: 11(5), 1287-1297.
Teodoro, Filomena
Numerical Solution of a Delay-Advanced Equation from Acoustics
International Journal of Mechanics: 11, 107-114.
Teodoro, Filomena
; Carla Simão (2017)
Perception about pediatric hypertension
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 312, 209-215.
Diogo, Teresa
Lima, Pedro M.
; Pedas, Arvet; Vainikko,Gennadi (2017)
Smoothing transformation and spline collocation for weakly singular Volterra integro-differential equations
Applied Numerical Mathematics: 114, 63–76.
Almeida, R.; Malinowska, A.B. ;
Morgado, M. Luísa
; Odzijewicz, T. (2017)
Variational methods for the solution of fractional discrete/continuous Sturm-Liouville problems
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Stuctures: 12(1), 3–21.
Morgado, M. Luísa
Chebyshev spectral approximation of distributed order differential Equations
International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations: 6(2), 117–128.
João Garcia;
Teodoro, Filomena
; Rita Cerdeira; Luís M. R. Coelho; Kumar Prashant ; M. Graça Carvalho (2016)
Developing a methodology to predict PM10 concentrations in urban areas using Generalized Linear Models
Enviromental Technology: 37(18), 2316-2325.
Damázio, P.D.; Manholi, P.;
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
L^q-theory of the Kelvin–Voigt equations in bounded domains
Journal of Differential Equations: 260(11), 8242-8260.
Catarino, P. ;
Morgado, M. Luísa
On Generalized Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal-Lucas polynomials
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta: 24(3), 61-78.
Graça, M.M. ;
Lima, Pedro M.
On High Order Barycentric Root-Finding Methods
Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional: 17(3), 321-330.
Seyedallaei, Sonia
Diogo, Teresa
Rebelo, Magda
The Jacobi collocation method for a class of nonlinear Volterra integral equations with weaky singular kernel
Journal of Scientific Computing: (69)2, 673-695.
P. J. S. Pereira;
N. D. Lopes
; L. Trabucho (2015)
Soliton-type and other travelling wave solutions for an improved class of non-linear sixth-order Boussinesq equations
Nonlinear Dynamics: 82, 783-818.
N. J. Ford;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Rebelo, Magda
A nonpolynomial collocation method for fractional terminal value problems
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 275, 392-402.
N. J. Ford;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Rebelo, Magda
An implicit finite difference approximation for the solution of the diffusion equation with distributed order in time
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis: 44, 289 - 305.
Bulatov, M.;
Lima, Pedro M.
; Than, Do Tien (2015)
An integral method for the numerical solution of nonlinear singular boundary value problems
Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Ser. Mathematical Modelling, Programming & Computer Software: 8, 5-13.
André Lemos; Ana S. Abraão; Bruno R Cruz;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Rebelo, Magda
; Fernando M. Nunes (2015)
Effect of granular characteristics on the viscoelastic and mechanical properties of native chestnut starch (Castanea sativa Mill)
Food Hydrocolloids: 51, 305-317.
Luis L. Ferrás; Neville J. Ford;
Morgado, M. Luísa
; João M. Nóbrega;
Rebelo, Magda
Fractional Pennes’ Bioheat Equation: Theoretical and Numerical Studies
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis: 18(4), 1080 -- 1106.
Morgado, M. Luísa
; Morgado, L. F.; Silva, N.; Morais, R. (2015)
Mathematical modelling of cylindrical electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters
International Journal of Computer Mathematics: 92(1), 101-109.
Lima, Pedro M.
; Buckwar, E. (2015)
Numerical solution of the neural field equation in the two-dimensional case
SIAM Journal o Scientific Computing: 37, B962-B979.
Morgado, M. Luísa
Rebelo, Magda
Numerical approximation of distributed order nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 275, 216-227.
L. F. Morgado;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Numerical modelling transient current in the time-of-flight experiment with time-fractional advection-diffusion equations
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry: 53(3), 951-956.
Lima, Pedro M.
; E. Buckwar (2015)
Numerical solution of the neural field equation in the two-dimensional case
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing: 37, B962- B979.
Shurong Sun,;
Morgado, M. Luísa
; Jehad Alzabut; Ivanka Stamova (2015)
Recent Developments and Applications on Qualitative Theory of Fractional Equations and Related Topics
Abstract and Applied Analysis, 1-2.
Graca, M.M.;
Lima, Pedro M.
Root finding by high order iterative methods based on quadratures
Applied Mathematics and Computation: 264, 466-482.
Kulikov, Gennady Yu
Lima, Pedro M.
Morgado, M. Luísa
Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Singular Boundary Value Problems with the P-Laplacian in Fluid Mechanics
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 262, 87-104.
Lima, Pedro M.
; Ford, Neville J.; Lumb, Patricia M. (2014)
Computational Methods for a Mathematical Model of Propagation of Nerve Impulses in Myelinated Axons
Applied Numerical Mathematics: 85, 38-53.
Bulatov, Mikhail V.;
Lima, Pedro M.
; Weinmüller, Ewa B. (2014)
Existence and uniqueness of solutions to weakly singular integral-algebraic and integro differential equations
Central European Journal of Mathematics: 12(2), 308-321.
Ford , N.;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Rebelo, Magda
High order numerical methods for fractional terminal value problems
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics: 14(1), 55-70.
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
; Takahashi, Takeo (2014)
The Motion of a Fluid-Rigid Ball System at the Zero Limit of the Rigid Ball Radius
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis: 211(3), 991-1012.
Morgado, M. Luísa
; Ford, N. J.;
Lima, Pedro M.
Analysis and Numerical Methods for Fractional Differential Equations with Delay
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 252, 159-168.
Diogo, Teresa
; Vainikko, G. (2013)
Applicability of spline collocation to Cordial Volterra equations
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis: 18(1), 1-21.
Saberi-Nadjafi, J.; Mehrabinezhad, M.;
Diogo, Teresa
Coiflet-Galerkin method for linear Volterra integral equations
Applied Mathematics and Computation: 221, 469-483.
Hastermann, G.;
Lima, Pedro M.
Morgado, M. Luísa
; Weinmüller, E.B. (2013)
Density profile equation with p-Laplacian: analysis and numerical simulation
Applied Mathematics and Computation: 225, 550-561.
Diogo, Teresa
; Ma, Jingtang;
Rebelo, Magda
Fully Discretized Collocation Methods for Nonlinear Singular Volterra Integral Equations
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 247, 84-101.
Ford, N.;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Rebelo, Magda
Nonpolynomial collocation approximation of solutions to fractional differential equations
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis: 16(4), 874-891.
- Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics
Instituto Superior Têcnico
Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade de Lisboa