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Natural Variability of Shear Strength in a Granite Residual Soil from Porto

Branco, Luis Pinheiro ; Gomes, António Topa ; Cardoso, António Silva ; Santos-Pereira, Carla

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 32(4) (2014), 911-922

The renewal imposed by the Eurocodes regarding the methodologies of safety evaluation requires a statistical analysis of the variability of ground geotechnical parameters. However, the studies published in the reviewed literature do not cover the typical materials from the northeast region of Portugal—residual soils from granite—to which a strong heterogeneity is associated. Hence, a statistical characterization of the natural variability of a granite residual soil from Porto has been made through a significant amount of experimental tests, focusing on its geomechanical properties. In order to provide a database for probabilistic analysis of problems involving this type of soils, an appropriate statistical law has been used to model its variability, which has been quantified by means of coefficients of variation and scales of fluctuation.