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Hotels with special prices for participants at the workshop:
  • Residencial Fonte Luminosa (5 min walking)
    Alameda Dom Afonso Henriques, 70, 6º Esq
    1000-124 LISBOA
    Phone: +351 21 840 8169
    Fax: +351 21 840 9003
    Single: 36 EUR
    Double: 49 EUR
  • Hotel AS Lisboa (5 min walking)
    Av. Almirante Reis, 188
    Single: 52,50 EUR
    Double: 60 EUR
    Extra bed: 20 EUR
  • Hotel Holiday Inn (2 min walking)
    Av. Andtónio José de Almeida, 28a
    1000-044 Lisboa
    Single: 82 EUR
    Double: 92 EUR
Other hotel suggestions are:
  • Hotel VIP Inn Berna (10 min walking)
    Av. António Serpa, 11-13
    1069-199 Lisboa
    Tel: 351 21 781 4300
    Fax: 351 21 793 6278
  • Hotel Roma (10 min walking)
    Av. de Roma, 33
    1749-074 Lisboa
    Tel: 351 21 796 7761
    Fax: 351 21 793 2981
  • Hotel VIP Executive Zurique (10 min walking)
    R. Ivone Silva, 18
    1050-124 Lisboa
    Tel: 351 21 781 4000
    Fax: 351 21 793 7290
  • Hotel Alif (10 min walking) Campo Pequeno, 51
    1000 Lisboa
    Tel: 351 21 782 6210
    Fax: 351 21 795 4116