Contributions for the detection of multivariate outliers
Speaker: Manuela de Souto Miranda
Universidade de Aveiro and CIDMA |
A Comprehensive Methodology to Analyse Topic Difficulties in Educational Programmes
Speaker: Anna Couto
Working towards a typology of indices of agreement for clustering evaluation
Speaker: Margarida G. M. S. Cardoso
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL) |
A thinning-based EWMA chart to monitor counts: some preliminary results
Speaker: Manuel Cabral Morais
ARL-unbiased geometric control charts for high-yield processes
Speaker: Manuel Cabral Morais
Processes with jumps in Finance
Speaker: Rita Pimentel
Robust inference for ROC regression
Speaker: Vanda M. Lourenço
FCT & CMA, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Challenges of Clustering
Speaker: Cláudia Silvestre
Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa |
ARL-unbiased geometric control charts for high-yield processes
Speaker: Manuel Cabral Morais
The challenge of inserting wind power generation into the Brazilian hydrothermal optimal dispatch
Speaker: Reinaldo Castro Souza
Industrial Engineering Dept., PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Bayesian nonparametric inference for the covariate-adjusted ROC curve
Speaker: Vanda Inácio De Carvalho
The University of Edinburgh, School of Mathematics |
On misleading and unambiguous signals in simultaneous schemes for the process mean and variance of GARCH processes
Speaker: Manuel Cabral Morais
Adaptive SVD-based Kalman filtering for state and parameter estimation of linear Gaussian dynamic stochastic models
Speaker: Maria Kulikova
Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics |
GIS and geostatistics: Applications to climatology and meteorology
Speaker: Álvaro Pimpão Silva
Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera |
Tests for the Weights of the Global Minimum Variance Portfolio in a High-Dimensional Setting
Speaker: Wolfgang Schmid
European University, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany |
Near-exact distributions – comfortable lying closer to exact distributions than common asymptotic distributions
Speaker: Carlos A. Coelho
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
GARCH processes and the phenomenon of misleading and unambiguous signals
Speaker: Manuel Cabral Morais
Departamento Matemática, Instituto Superior Técnico |
Some hot topics of maximum entropy research in economics and statistics
Speaker: Pedro Macedo
CIDMA and Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro |
Statistical models for the relationship between daily temperature and mortality
Speaker: Aurelio Tobias
Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research and CSIC, Barcelona |
On stochastic ordering and control charts for the traffic intensity
Speaker: Manuel Cabral Morais