Gradient boosting for extreme quantile regression
Orador: Sebastian Engelke
University of Geneva |
Extremes modelling of imputed missing data under a periodic control
Orador: Ana Paula Martins
Faculty of Sciences of University of Beira Interior and CMA |
From high dimensional space to a random low dimensional space
Orador: Conceição Amado
Instituto Superior Técnico and CEMAT |
COVID, uncertainty and clinical trials
Orador: Joaquim Ferreira
Laboratório de Farmacologia Clínica e Terapêutica, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa |
Elements of Bayesian geometry
Orador: Miguel de Carvalho
University of Edinburgh |
LassoNet: A Neural Network with Feature Sparsity
Orador: Ismael Lemhadri
Stanford University |
Investment problem with switching modes
Orador: Igor Kravchenko
Quasi-analytical solution of an investment problem with decreasing investment cost due to technological innovations
Orador: Cláudia Nunes
On ARL-unbiased charts to monitor the traffic intensity of a single server queue
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
On ARL-unbiased charts to monitor the traffic intensity of a single server queue
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
On ARL-unbiased charts to monitor the traffic intensity of a single server queue
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
Gaussian Process Regression for Animation Rig Towards the Face Model
Orador: Stevo Rackovic
Mathematics Department, Instituto Superior Técnico |
Extreme Value Theory applied to Longevity of Humans
Orador: Ana Ferreira
Departamento de Matemática, Instituto Superior Técnico |
A LASSO-type model for the bulk and tail of a heavy-tailed response
Orador: Soraia Pereira
University of Lisbon, Portugal |
First Come, First Served Queues with Two Classes of Impatient Customers
Orador: V. G. Kulkarni
Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA |
Optimal reinsurance of dependent risks
Orador: Alexandra Moura
Improving the ARL profile of the Poisson EWMA chart
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
Improving the ARL profile of the Poisson EWMA chart
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
Department of Mathematics & CEMAT, Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa |
The coupling method in extreme value theory
Orador: Clément Dombry
Université Franche-Comté, Besançon, France |
Distributed Learning Algorithms for Big Data
Orador: João Xavier
ISR and Instituto Superior Técnico |