Numerical Simulation of Viscoelastic Flows using BrownianConfiguration Fields and Spectral Element Methods
Speaker: Keith Smith
University of Wales, UK |
First and second order Galerkin-Lagrange methods for transient viscoelastic flows
Speaker: Driss Esselaoui
Université Ibn Tofail -- Kenitra, Maroc |
Multidimensional approximation of hydrodynamical models
Speaker: Mohamed Amara
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France |
An $L^q$-Analysis of Viscous Fluid Flow Past a Rotating Obstacle
Speaker: Reinhard Farwig
Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany |
Theoretical modeling of the mechanisms for the pathogenesisofsyringomyelia or the perils of coughing and sneezing
Speaker: Peter W. Carpenter
University of Warwick, United Kingdom. |
Recent developments in the numerical approximation of PDEs
Speaker: Franco Brezzi
Università di Pavia, Italy |
Soluções estatísticas e medidas invariantes para equações da hidrodinâmica
Speaker: Ana Bela Cruzeiro
Departamento de Matemática, Instituto Superior Técnico |
On numerical modelling of some non-newtonian fluids
Speaker: Maria Lukacova-Medvidova
Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany |
Localization of solutions for planar Navier-Stokes equations
Speaker: Hermenegildo Oliveira
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal |
Singular problems for self-similar solutions to the systems of nonlinear wave equations in the inflationary cosmology
Speaker: Nadezhda Konyukhova
Dorodnycin Computing Center of RAS, Moscow, Russia |
Unstationary numerical scheme for multiphase multicomponent flows in sedimentary basins
Speaker: Lionel Nadau
LMA, Université de Pau et des Pays de l?'Adour |
A non linear and non local boundary condition problem in petroleum engineering
Speaker: Tuong Ha Duong
Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France |
Schiffer’s conjecture and rotating flows in a cylinder
Speaker: Didier Bresch
Université Joseph Fourier, France |
Lowest-order finite elements for thin structures — mathematical and historical reflections
Speaker: Juhani Pitkäranta
Helsinki University of Technology |
Esquemas em diferenças finitas com correctores de derivadas mistas para sistemas quasilineares parabólicos multidimensionais
Speaker: Hermano Frid
IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil |
Evolution of compressible and incompressible fluids separated by a closed interface
Speaker: Irina Denissova
Institute of Problems in Mechanical Engineering, St. Petersburg, Russia |
Existenceand Uniqueness of Time-Periodic Physically Reasonable Navier-StokesFlow Past an Obstacle
Speaker: Giovanni P. Galdi
University of Pittsburgh, U.S.A. |
Constitutive Modeling of the Arterial Wall
Speaker: Anne Marie Robertson
University of Pittsburgh, U.S.A. |
Fokker-Planck-based methods for flows of dilute polymeric solutions described by dumbbell models
Speaker: Robert G. Owens
EPFL - Lausanne |
Um problema inverso para a equação de Burgers
Speaker: Fernanda Cipriano
GFM-UL e Univ. Nova de Lisboa |