Um problema inverso para a equação de Burgers
Orador: Fernanda Cipriano
GFM-UL e Univ. Nova de Lisboa |
Mathematical Modelling of Growth and Remodelling
Orador: K. R. Rajagopal
Texas A and M University, College Station, USA |
Energy Behavior of Two Classical Benchmark Shell Problems
Orador: Lourenço Beirão da Veiga
Università di Pavia, Italia |
A Hybrid Vortex-Boundary Integral Method Applied for the Study of Three-Dimensional Near-Wall Turbulence Flow Structure
Orador: Zinedine Khatir
University of Warwick |
Numerical solution of a class of weakly singular integro-differential equations
Orador: Arvet Pedas
Tartu University |
The Pressure Stabilization Method for Viscous Flow Problems
Orador: Maria Specovius-Neugebauer
Universität Kassel |
Low Mach and Rossby limit for fluids
Orador: Didier Bresch
CNRS-Université Blaise Pascal |
Problemas Inversos em Transferência de Calor e Massa
Orador: Helcio R. B. Orlande
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil |
A numerical method for solving Viscoelastic Free Surface Flows
Orador: Murilo Tomé
Universidade São Paulo, Brasil |
Comparação das propriedades de minimização dos métodos CG e GMRES
Orador: Filomena Dias d'Almeida
Universidade do Porto |
On the coupling of the Stokes and the porous media equations: G-convergence and domain decomposition methods
Orador: Luigi Berselli
University of Pisa |
Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Diferential Equations and Applications to Physics
Orador: A. I. Sukov
Moscow State Technological University, Stankin |
Constitutive models for blood flow
Orador: K. Rajagopal
Texas A & M University, College Station, USA |
Dinâmica das doenças infecciosas
Orador: Gabriela M. Gomes
University of Warwick, UK |
Numerical solution of Volterra equations undergoing bifurcations
Orador: Neville Ford
Chester College, UK |
The MUSIC-Algorithm and Inverse Scattering Theory
Orador: Andreas Kirsch
University of Karlsruhe |
Three-Dimensional Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations: Recent
results on the local regularity of weak solutions
Orador: Patrick Penel
Université de Toulon-Var |
A constitutive modeling of viscoelastic fluids with applications to flow in curved pipes
Orador: Anne Robertson
University of Pittsburgh |
A nonlinear, inelastic constitutive model for
cerebral arterial tissue, with applications to
intracranial aneurysms
Orador: Anne Robertson
University of Pittsburgh |
Meshless methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations
Orador: C. S. Chen
University of Nevada, Las Vegas |