From medical images to the computational haemodynamics: An efficient Pipeline for Image-Based Patient-Specific Analysis
Speaker: Ana Jantarada
Mathematical formulation and numerical simulation of a 1D synthetic blood coagulation model
Speaker: Jevgenija Pavlova
A Geometrical View of the Nehari Manifold
Speaker: José Maria Gomes
Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
Polynomial sequences generated by integral powers of differential
Speaker: Ana F. Loureiro
Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto |
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
Speaker: Shahab Khorasanizade
LASEF, IDMEC, Dept. of Mechanical Eng, IST |
Direct MultiSearch (DMS) - Procura directa para optimização multiobjectivo
Speaker: J. F. Aguilar Madeira
Multiscale methods for modeling tissue perfusion and angiogenesis: a work in progress
Speaker: João Soares
Centro de Matemática e Aplicações, IST |
Singular Problems for integro-differential equations in the dynamic
insurance models
Speaker: Nadezda Konyukhova
Dorodnycin Computing Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow |
Convexity helps solve some shortest path problems
Speaker: Phan Than An
On the estimation and stabilization of partial differential equations
Speaker: Jorge Tiago
A new forward-backward regularization of the Perona-Malik equation
Speaker: Patrick Guidotti
University of California, Irvine, USA |
Fluid Structure Interaction Modeling in a Monolithic Frame Applied to a 2D Heart Valve Simulation
Speaker: Thomas Wick
IWR, University of Heidelberg, Germany |
Electro-Mechanical Activity of Cardiac Tissue: Mathematical
andNumerical Modelling
Speaker: Simone Rossi
Joint Doctoral Program IST-EPFL |
Bubbles and Mathematical Modelling
Speaker: Pedro Lima
Modelling a competitive antibody/antigen chemical reaction
Speaker: Magda Rebelo
CEMAT-IST and Departamento de Matematica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
Continuing our journey with forward-backward equations: is the mapof our route a ‘simple’ graph?
Speaker: Patricia Lumb
Mathematics Department, University of Chester |
Describing the early stage development of an Intracranical Saccular Aneurysm (ICA): modeling and numerical features
Speaker: Paolo Tricerri
Joint Doctoral Program IST-EPFL |
Meshless Methods for Singular and Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs
Speaker: Francisco Bernal
Very weak solutions for the Navier-Stokes equations
Speaker: Cherif Amrouche
Université de Pau, France |
The finite volume method and CFD simulation of circle of Willis blood flow
Speaker: James H. Page
University College London, UK |