Membros > Membros doutorados

Jorge Tiago

Morada Institucional

Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)
Av. Rovisco Pais 1
1049-001 LISBOA

Telefone: +351218419753 | Email: | Web:


Professor Auxiliar, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa


Modelação Matemática em Biomedicina

Área Principal

Matemática do Sistema Cardiovascular

Outra Área

Controlo Óptimo e Aplicações


  •  Doutoramento em Matemática pela Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (2010).

Artigos em Revistas Internacionais

Artigos ou Capítulos em Livros Editados

Comunicações em Actas de Conferência


Artigos em Revistas Científicas Nacionais

Supervision of PhD theses 

  • Optimization techniques to deal with missing data in blood flow modelling. Kaleem Iqbal, PhD Math, IST, Ongoing.
  • Study of cerebral aneurysms through experimental bio-markers and computational hemodynamics. PhD Comp Eng 2019. Co-supervised with Adélia Sequeira (IST).


Supervision of master theses

  • Enhancing the numerical approximation of parametrized optimal control problems through proper orthogonal decomposition and artificial neural networks, Carlo Venturini, Joint MMA Degree IST-Ulisboa & Poltitecnico di Milano, 2024. Co-supervised with Andrea Manzoni (Pol Milano).
  • Dirichlet Boundary Control of the Poisson Equation with Mixed Boundary Conditions, Dinis Rocha, MMA, IST-ULisboa. 2024. Co-Supervisor J.P. Raymond (IMToulouse).
  • Development of a Mathematical Model for the Left Ventricle to Analyze Stiffness Variations During the Cardiac Cycle, Marco Borra Giacasso, MBiom, Politecnico di Torino, 2024. Co-supervisor Dr. Luis B. Rosário (FMUL).
  • Multiple Boundary Control of Elliptic Problems, Joana M. Ribeiro, MMA, IST-ULisboa. 2024. Co-supervisor Irene M. Gayte (U Loyola Sevilla).
  • Applying PINN's for the reconstruction of blood flow from patient-specific data, João Pereira, MECD, IST-ULisboa. 2023 Co-supervisor: Duarte Albuquerque (IST).
  • Optimal boundary control of the time-dependent Stokes equations with mixed boundary conditions, Pedro Nogueira, MMA, IST-ULisboa. 2021.
  • Using medical data to adjust flow boundary conditions in computational hemodynamics, Madalena Dias, MEBiom, IST-ULisboa. 2021. Co-supervised with Dr Silvia A. Rosa (CHLC).
  • Computational analysis of aortic hemodynamics -comparison of outflow modelling strategies, Laura Sumares, MEBiom, IST-ULisboa. 2019. Co-supervised with Dr Sérgio Laranjo (CHLC).
  • Geometric analysis of intracoronary pressure curves Marta Alves, MEBiom, IST-ULisboa. 2019. Co-supervised with Dr. David Alves (HESE).
  • Numerical simulations of atherosclerotic plaque growth using experimental data, Carolina Brites, MEBiom, IST-ULisboa. 2018. Co-supervised with Ana S. Herdade (IMM).
  • A numerical approximation for the Navier-Stokes equations using the Finite Element Method, João Marques, MMA, IST-ULisboa, 2016.
  • Co-supervision of the Master thesis  Numerical Simulation of Dilatation Patterns of the Ascending Aorta in Aortopathies, Diana Oliveira, MBEiom, IST-ULisboa, 2016. Co-supervised with Adélia Sequeira (IST).
  • Co-supervision of the Master thesis  Analysis of hemodynamic indicators in Bicuspid Aortic Valves using a computational mathematical model Ana Torrado, MEBiom IST-ULisboa, 2015. Co-supervised with Adélia Sequeira (IST).




2º Festival da Ciência - Dia Aberto da Escola Secundária de Camões (09/05/2024)
Aplicações da Matemática a Simulações do Sistema Cardiovascular  (11/11/2016) Sala 3.10
Data Driven Computations in the Life Sciences (Autumn School) (09/11/2015)