Research Areas
Algebra and Computing
Applied and Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Applied and Numerical Analysis Seminar
Probability and Statistics Seminar
Algebra Seminars
CEMAT's Open Seminar
Scientific Meetings
Open Positions
Algebra and Computing
Applied and Numerical Analysis
Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
(Publication Type)
Papers in International Journals
Papers or Chapters in Edited Books
Communications in Conference Proceedings
Edition of Books
Papers in National Scientific Journals
(Member Type)
PhD Members
PhD Students
Former Members
Exclude submitted
Papers in International Journals
Aknouche, Abdelhakim ;
Scotto, Manuel
A multiplicative thinning-based integer-valued GARCH model
Journal of Time Series Analysis: 45, 4-26.
Santos, K.; Firme, B.; Dias, J. P.;
Amado, Conceição
Analysis of motorcycle accident injury severity and performance comparison of machine learning algorithms
Transportation Research Record: 2678(1), 736-748.
Alonso, Andres; Gabirondo, Peru;
Scotto, Manuel
Clustering time series by extremal dependence
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics.
Cabral, M.; Loureiro, D.;
Amado, Conceição
; Covas, D. (2024)
Deterioration Models and Service Life Prediction of Vertical Assets of Urban Water Systems
Water Resources Research: 60 (4), e2023WR034854.
Kulikova, Maria
; Taylor, David R.;
Kulikov, Gennady Yu
Evolving efficiency of the BRICS markets
Economic Systems: 48(1), 101166.
Silva, Maria Almeida
Amado, Conceição
; Loureiro, D. (2024)
Inferring Demand in Drinking Water Distribution Systems through Stratified Sampling of Billing Data for Smart Meter Installation
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management: 150 (8), 04024027.
Kulikova, Maria
Kulikov, Gennady Yu
Maximum-correntropy-based sequential method for fast neural population activity reconstruction in the cortex from incomplete abnormally-disturbed noisy measurements
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation: 139, 108266.
Leite, R;
Amado, Conceição
; Azeitona, M (2024)
Online burst detection in water distribution networks based on dynamic shape similarity measure
Expert Systems with Applications: Volume 248.
Santos, K.; Silva, Nuno M. ; Dias, J. P.;
Amado, Conceição
A methodology for crash investigation of motorcycle-cars collisions combining accident reconstruction, finite elements, and experimental tests
Engineering Failure Analysis.
Santos, K.; Firme, B.; Dias, J. P.;
Amado, Conceição
Accident Injury Severity and Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms
Transportation Research Record.
Morais, M. C.
; Wittenberg, P.; Knoth, S. (2023)
An ARL-unbiased modified chart for monitoring autoregressive counts with geometric marginal distributions
Sequential Analysis: 42, 323-347.
Morais, M. C.
; Wittenberg, P.; Cruz, C.J. (2023)
An ARL-unbiased modified np-chart for autoregressive binomial counts
Stochastics and Quality Control: 38, 11-24.
Kulikova, Maria
Kulikov, Gennady Yu
Data-driven parameter estimation in stochastic dynamic neural fields by state-space approach and continuous-discrete extended Kalman filtering
Digital Signal Processing: 136, 104010.
Scotto, Manuel
; Gouveia, Sónia (2023)
On the extremes of the max-INAR(1) process for time series of counts
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods: 52, 1136-1154.
Roque, D.; Falcão, A.P.; Perissin, D.;
Amado, Conceição
; Lemos, J.V.; Fonseca, A. (2023)
SARClust—A New Tool to Analyze InSAR Displacement Time Series for Structure Monitoring
Martins, Ana;
Scotto, Manuel
; Weiss, Christian; Gouveia, Sonia (2023)
Space-time integer-valued ARMA modelling for time series of counts
Electronic Journal of Statistics: 17, 3472-3511.
Morais, M. C.
Two features of the GINAR(1) process and their impact on the run length performance of geometric control charts
Entropy (Information Theory, Probability and Statistics - special issue on Discrete-Valued Time Series; editor's choice in 2024): 25, 444.
Santos, K; Dias, J P;
Amado, Conceição
A literature review of machine learning algorithms for crash injury severity prediction
Journal of Safety Research: 80, 254-269.
Oliveira, M. Rosário
; Azeitona, M.;
Pacheco, António
Valadas, Rui
Association measures for interval variables
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification: 16, 491-520.
Kulikova, Maria
Kulikov, Gennady Yu
Continuous-discrete unscented Kalman filtering framework by MATLAB ODE solvers and square-root methods
Automatica: 141, 110396.
Kulikova, Maria
Kulikov, Gennady Yu
Estimation of market efficiency process within time-varying autoregressive models by extended Kalman filtering approach
Digital Signal Processing: 128, 103619.
Barbosa, Susana ;
Scotto, Manuel
Extreme heat events in the Iberia Peninsula from extreme value mixture modeling of ERA5-Land air temperature
Weather and Climate Extremes: 36, 100448.
Macedo, Francisco
Valadas, Rui
Carrasquinha, E.
Oliveira, M. Rosário
Pacheco, António
Feature selection using Decomposed Mutual Information Maximization
Neurocomputing: 513, 215-232.
Farinha, M;
Amado, Conceição
; Morgado, P; Cabral, J (2022)
Increased excursions to functional networks in schizophrenia in the absence of task
Frontiers in Neuroscience: 16.
Kulikova, Maria
Kulikov, Gennady Yu
Square-root filtering via covariance SVD factors in the accurate continuous-discrete extended-cubature Kalman filter
Applied Numerical Mathematics: 171, 32-44.
Morais, M. C.
; Wittenberg, P.; Cruz, C. J. (2022)
The np-chart with 3-sigma limits and the ARL-unbiased np-chart revisited
Stochastics and Quality Control: 37, 107-116.
Nunes, Cláudia
Pimentel, Rita
The Solution to a Differential-Difference Equation Arising in Optimal Stopping of a Jump-Diffusion Process
REVSTAT-Statistical Journal: 20.1, 85-100.
Silva, Maria Almeida
Amado, Conceição
; Ribeiro, A; Loureiro, D (2022)
Uncertainty evaluation in time-dependent measurements
Measurement: 196, 15.
Arede, J.;
Oliveira, Irene
; Leite, N. (2021)
A multi-block multivariate analysis to examine the importance of maturity offset in youth basketball
Frontiers in Psychology: 12.
Silva, Maria Almeida
; Loureiro, D;
Amado, Conceição
; Arregui, Francisco J. (2021)
Analysis of household telemetry consumption data for helping in the assessment of apparent and real losses in water distribution systems
Ingeniería del agua: 25.
Martins, Ana;
Scotto, Manuel
; Deus, Ricardo; Monteiro, Alexandra; Gouveia, Sónia (2021)
Association between respiratory hospital admissions and air quality in Portugal: A count time series approach
PLoS ONE: 16(7), e0253455.
Monteiro, Magda; Pereira, Isabel;
Scotto, Manuel
Bivariate models for time series of counts: a comparison study between PBINAR models and dynamic factor models
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation: 50, 1873-1887.
Furlan, P; Pfister, M; Matos. J;
Amado, Conceição
; Schleiss, A J (2021)
Blockage Probability Modeling of Large Wood at Reservoir Spillways With Piers
Water Resources Research: 57, e2021WR029722.
Ferreira, Fátima
Pacheco, António
Ribeiro, Helena
Distribution of the number of losses in busy-periods of oscillating M-X/G/1/(n,a,b) systems
Computers & Operations Research: 129, 105180.
Mamode Khan, Naushad; Bakouch, Hassan ; Devi Soobhug, Ashwinee;
Scotto, Manuel
Insights on the trend of the novel coronavirus 2019 series in some small island developing states: a thinning-based modelling approach.
Alexandria Engineering Journal: 60, 2535-2550.
Nunes, Cláudia
; Jacco Thijssen; Kuno Huisman; Maria Lavrutich; Peter Kort (2021)
Investment decisions with two-factor uncertainty
Journal of Risk and Financial Management: vol 14, n.11.
Kulikova, Maria
Kulikov, Gennady Yu
MATLAB-based general approach for square-root extended-unscented and fifth-degree cubature Kalman filtering methods
European Journal of Control: 59, 1-12.
Santos, Cláudia; Pereira, Isabel;
Scotto, Manuel
On the theory of periodic multivariate INAR processes
Statistical Papers: 62, 1291-1348.
Nunes, Cláudia
Oliveira, Carlos
Preventing Environmental Disasters in Investment under Uncertainty
Environmental and Resource Economics, 1-22.
Santos, K; Dias, J P;
Amado, Conceição
; Sousa, J; Francisco, P (2021)
Risk factors associated with the increase of injury severity of powered two wheelers road accidents victims in Portugal
Traffic Injury Prevention: 22:8, 646-650.
Kulikova, Maria
; Tsyganova, J.V.;
Kulikov, Gennady Yu
SVD-based state and parameter estimation approach for generalized Kalman filtering with application to GARCH-in-Mean estimation
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 387: 112487.
Silveira, Carlos; Martins, Ana; Gouveia, Sónia;
Scotto, Manuel
; Miranda, Ana I.; Monteiro, Alexandra (2021)
The role of the atmospheric aerosol in weather forecasts for the Iberian peninsula: investigating the direct effects using WRF-Chem model
Atmosphere: 12, 288.
Tsyganova, J.V.;
Kulikova, Maria
; Tsyganov, A.V. (2020)
A general approach for designing the MWGS-based information-form Kalman filtering methods
European Journal of Control: 56, 86-97.
Kulikova, Maria
Chandrasekhar-based maximum correntropy Kalman filtering with the adaptive kernel size selection
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control: 65(2), 741-748.
Morais, M. C.
; Knoth, S. (2020)
Improving the ARL profile and the accuracy of its calculation for Poisson EWMA charts
Quality and Reliability Engineering International: 36, 876–889.
Morais, M. C.
; Schmid, W.;
Ramos, Patrícia F.
; Lazariv, T.;
Pacheco, António
Misleading signals in joint schemes for the mean vector and covariance matrix
Quality and Reliability Engineering International: 36, 642–651.
Oliveira, M.A.;
Scotto, Manuel
; Barbosa, S.M.; Freire de Andrade, C.; Freitas, M.C. (2020)
Morphological controls and statistical modelling of boulder transport by extreme storms
Marine Geology: 426, 106216.
Kulikova, Maria
On the stable Cholesky factorization-based method for the maximum correntropy criterion Kalman filtering
IFAC-PapersOnLine: 53(2), 482-487.
Kulikova, Maria
Sequential maximum correntropy Kalman filtering
AsianJournal of Control: 22(1), 25-33.
Kulikova, Maria
Kulikov, Gennady Yu
Square-rooting approaches to accurate mixed-type continuous-discrete extended and fifth-degree cubature Kalman filters
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation: 14(11), 1671-1680.
- Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics
Instituto Superior Têcnico
Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade de Lisboa