Artigos ou Capítulos em Livros Editados
- Pacheco, Mafalda ; Falcão, Ana Paula ; Amado, Conceição; Almeida, Joana ; Garcia, João ; Portela, Manuel ; Morais de Sá, Ana ; Afonso, Nuno (2022) A Tool for Assessing Public Space Occupation as Applied to a Historical District: Alfama, Lisbon (Portugal) In: Vujicic, M.D., Kasim, A., Kostopoulou, S., Chica Olmo, J., Aslam, M. (eds) Cultural Sustainable Tourism. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham.
- Teodoro, Filomena; Rebelo, José; Lampreia, Suzana (2022) Modeling Waste Management and Boarded Personnel KAP In: Machado, J., Soares, F., Trojanowska, J., Ivanov, V. (eds) Innovations in Industrial Engineering. icieng 2021. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham., 257–270.
- Teodoro, Filomena; Nunes, I; Calhamonas, G and Andrde, Map (2022) New Refinement of an Intelligent System Design for Naval Operations In: Machado, J., Soares, F., Trojanowska, J., Yildirim, S. (eds) Innovations in Mechatronics Engineering. icieng 2021. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham., 164–177.
- Sousa, R; Amado, Conceição; Henriques, R (2021) AutoMTS: Fully Autonomous Processing of Multivariate Time Series Data from Heterogeneous Sensor Networks In: Wu X., Wu K., Wang C. (eds) Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness in Heterogeneous Systems. QShine 2020. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering: vol 381, Springer, Cham.
- Rocha, Diana; Scotto, Manuel; Pinto, Carla; Tavares, João Nuno ; Gouveia, Sónia (2019) Simulation study of HIV temporal patterns using Bayesian methodology. In: Argiento R., Durante D., Wade S. (eds) Bayesian Statistics and New Generations. BAYSM 2018. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Springer, Cham: 296, 145-154.