Research Areas
Algebra and Computing
Applied and Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Applied and Numerical Analysis Seminar
Probability and Statistics Seminar
Algebra Seminars
CEMAT's Open Seminar
Scientific Meetings
Open Positions
Algebra and Computing
Applied and Numerical Analysis
Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
(Publication Type)
Papers in International Journals
Papers or Chapters in Edited Books
Communications in Conference Proceedings
Edition of Books
Papers in National Scientific Journals
(Member Type)
PhD Members
PhD Students
Former Members
Exclude submitted
Papers in International Journals
Couceiro, Miguel;
Lehtonen, Erkko
; Waldhauser, Tamás (2015)
A survey on the arity gap
Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing: 24, 223–249.
Antunes, Pedro R. S.
; Rui A. C. Ferreira (2015)
An augmented-RBF method for solving fractional Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing: 37(1), A515-A535.
An, P. T.
Giang, D. T.
Trang, L. H.
An exact algorithm for minimizing a sum of Euclidean norms on rays in 2D and 3D
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization: 36(4), 405-418.
N. J. Ford;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Rebelo, Magda
An implicit finite difference approximation for the solution of the diffusion equation with distributed order in time
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis: 44, 289 - 305.
Bulatov, M.;
Lima, Pedro M.
; Than, Do Tien (2015)
An integral method for the numerical solution of nonlinear singular boundary value problems
Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Ser. Mathematical Modelling, Programming & Computer Software: 8, 5-13.
Samanta, S.K.; Chaudhry, M.L.;
Pacheco, António
Analysis of BMAP/MSP/1 queue
Methodology in Computing and Applied Probability, (in press).
Samanta, S.K.; Chaudhry, M.L.;
Pacheco, António
; Gupta, U.C. (2015)
Analytic and computational analysis of the discrete-time GI/D-MSP/1 queue using roots
Computers & Operations Research: 56, 33–40.
Drapal, A.;
Kinyon, M.
Buchsteiner loops: associators and constructions
Algebra and its Applications: 14(4), 1550050.
Kulikova, Maria
; Tsyganova, J. (2015)
Constructing numerically stable Kalman filter-based algorithms for gradient-based adaptive filtering
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing: 29(11), 1411-1426.
Buchot, J.M.; Raymond, J.P.;
Tiago, Jorge
Coupling estimation and control for a two dimensional Burgers type equation
ESAIM-COCV: Vol. 21, Number 2, 535-560.
Masoero, David; Raimondo, Andrea;
Antunes, Pedro R. S.
Critical behaviour for scalar nonlinear waves
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena: 292–293, 1-7.
Fonseca, C. ; Martins, A.P.; Pereira, L.;
Ferreira, Helena
Dependence matrices for spatial extreme events
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, (in press).
Javad Hatami
; Pedro Z. Andrade; António Pedro Alves de Matos; Dusan Djokovic; Carla Lilaia; Frederico Castelo Ferreira; Joaquim M.S. Cabral; Cláudia L. da Silva (2015)
Developing a co-culture system for effective megakaryo/thrombopoiesis from umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells
Cytotherapy: 17(4), 428–442.
Kulikova, Maria
; Tsyganova, J.V. (2015)
Differentiating matrix orthogonal transformations
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics: 55(9), 1460-1473.
Kinyon, M.
; J. Leech; J. Pita Costa (2015)
Distributivity in skew lattices
Semigroup Forum: 91, 378-400.
André Lemos; Ana S. Abraão; Bruno R Cruz;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Rebelo, Magda
; Fernando M. Nunes (2015)
Effect of granular characteristics on the viscoelastic and mechanical properties of native chestnut starch (Castanea sativa Mill)
Food Hydrocolloids: 51, 305-317.
Branco, Mário J. J.
Gomes, Gracinda M. S.
; Gould, Victoria (2015)
Ehresmann monoids
J. Algebra: 443, 349–382.
Kulikov, Gennady Yu
Embedded symmetric nested implicit Runge-Kutta methods of Gauss and Lobatto types for solving stiff ordinary differential equations and Hamiltonian systems
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics: 55(6), 983-1003.
Lehtonen, Erkko
; Pilitowska, Agata (2015)
Entropicity and generalized entropic property in idempotent n-semigroups
Semigroup Forum: 91, 260–281.
Ferreira, Marta
Estimating the extremal index through the tail dependence concept
Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics: 35(1-2), 61–74.
Ferreira, Helena
Ferreira, Marta
Extremes of scale mixtures of multivariate time series
Journal of Multivariate Analysis: 137, 82–99.
Tricerri, Paolo
; Dede, L.; Deparis, S. ; Quarteroni, A.; Robertson, A.;
Sequeira, Adélia
Fluid-structure interaction simulations of cerebral arteries modeled by isotropic and anisotropic constitutive laws
Computational Mechanics: 55(3), 479-498.
Luis L. Ferrás; Neville J. Ford;
Morgado, M. Luísa
; João M. Nóbrega;
Rebelo, Magda
Fractional Pennes’ Bioheat Equation: Theoretical and Numerical Studies
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis: 18(4), 1080 -- 1106.
Kulikov, Gennady Yu
Kulikova, Maria
High-order accurate continuous-discrete extended Kalman filter for chemical engineering
European Journal of Control: 21, 14-26.
Antunes, Nelson
Jacinto, G.
Pacheco, António
Hop Count Distributions of the Furthest and Nearest Distance Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics: 75(2), 335–349.
K. Ravi;
Pinelas, Sandra
; R. Jamina (2015)
HUR-UGR-UJR Stabilities of a kl-cubic Funcional Equation in Quasi-beta-normed Spaces: Direct and Fixed Point Methods
Enlightenment of Pure and Applied Mathematics: 1(2), 61-78.
Couceiro, Miguel;
Lehtonen, Erkko
; Schölzel, Karsten (2015)
Hypomorphic Sperner systems and non-reconstructible functions
Order: 32, 255–292.
Kinyon, M.
; I. Wanless (2015)
Loops with exponent 3 in all isotopes
International Journal of Algebra and Computation: 25(7), 1159-1177.
Morgado, M. Luísa
; Morgado, L. F.; Silva, N.; Morais, R. (2015)
Mathematical modelling of cylindrical electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters
International Journal of Computer Mathematics: 92(1), 101-109.
Elshehabey, Hillal M.
; Sameh E. Ahmed (2015)
MHD Mixed Convection in a Lid-driven Cavity Filled by a Nano fluid with Sinusoidal Temperature Distribution on the Both Vertical Walls Using Buongiorno's Nanofluid Model
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: 88, 181–202.
László Babai;
Cameron, P. J.
Most primitive groups are full automorphism groups of edge-transitive hypergraphs
Journal of Algebra: 421, 512--523.
Cameron, P. J.
; Pablo Spiga (2015)
Most switching classes with primitive automorphism groups contain graphs with trivial groups
Australasian J. Combinatorics: 62, 76-90.
Hady, F.M.; Ahmed, Sameh E.;
Elshehabey, Hillal M.
; Mohamed, R.A. (2015)
Natural Convection of a Nanofluid in Inclined, Partially Open Cavities: Thermal Effects
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer: 29(1), 150-165.
Lima, Pedro M.
; Buckwar, E. (2015)
Numerical solution of the neural field equation in the two-dimensional case
SIAM Journal o Scientific Computing: 37, B962-B979.
Morgado, M. Luísa
Rebelo, Magda
Numerical approximation of distributed order nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 275, 216-227.
L. F. Morgado;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Numerical modelling transient current in the time-of-flight experiment with time-fractional advection-diffusion equations
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry: 53(3), 951-956.
Tiago, Jorge
Numerical simulations for the stabilization and estimation problem of a semilinear partial differential equation
Applied Numerical Mathematics: 98, 18-37.
Lima, Pedro M.
; E. Buckwar (2015)
Numerical solution of the neural field equation in the two-dimensional case
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing: 37, B962- B979.
Pavlova, Jevgenija
Janela, João
Sequeira, Adélia
Numerical validation of a synthetic cell-based model of blood coagulation
Journal of Theoretical Biology: 380, 367-379.
Couceiro, Miguel;
Lehtonen, Erkko
; Waldhauser, Tamás (2015)
On equational definability of function classes
J. Mult.-Valued Logic Soft Comput.: 24, 203–222.
Lehtonen, Erkko
On functions with a unique identification minor
Ferreira, Ana
; de Haan, Laurens (2015)
On the block maxima method in extreme value theory: PWM estimators
Annals of Statististics: 43, 276-298.
R. Almeida;
Teixeira, Alberto
On the convergence of a predictor-corrector variant algorithm
TOP: 23(2), 401 - 418.
Ralha, T.;
Morais, M. C.
Oliveira, M. Rosário
On valid signals in joint schemes for the process mean and variance
Economic Quality Control: volume 30, issue 2, 99-110.
Hagspiel, V.; Huisman, K.. J. M.;
Nunes, Cláudia
Optimal technology adoption when the arrival rate of new technologies changes
European Journal of Operational Research: 243(3), 897–911.
R. Koplatadze ;
Pinelas, Sandra
Oscillation Criteria for First Order Linear Difference Equations with Several Delay Arguments
Journal of Mathematical Sciences: 28(5), 571-592.
Chatzarakis, G. E.; Manojlovic, J.;
Pinelas, Sandra
; Stavroulakis, I. P. (2015)
Oscillation criteria of difference equations with several deviating arguments
The Yokohama Mathematical Journal: 60, 1-19.
George E Chatzarakis; Hajnalka Péics;
Pinelas, Sandra
; Ioannis P Stavroulakis (2015)
Oscillation Results for Difference Equations with Oscillating Coefficients
Advances in Difference Equations, 2015:53.
E. Thandapani,; D. Seghar;
Pinelas, Sandra
Oscillation Theorems for Second Order Difference Equations with Negative Neutral Term
Tamkang Journal of Mathematics: 46(4), 441-451.
Morais, M. C.
; Okhrin, Y.; Schmid, W. (2015)
Quality surveillance with EWMA control charts based on exact control limits
Statistical Papers: 56, 863-885.
- Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics
Instituto Superior Têcnico
Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade de Lisboa