Publications > Comunicações em Actas de Conferência

An Instantaneous Regulation for the Wired and Wireless Super-Resonant Converters

Valtchev, Stanimir S.; Madeiros, Rui; Valtchev, Svilen S. ; Klaassens, Ben

Proceedings of the 33rd International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC), (2011), 1-8

The paper develops further the method presented in [12], [14], based on energy balance in the resonant tank. This method allows a stable operation of the switches and a higher efficiency of any Series Loaded Series Resonant (SLSR) power converter, especially when contactless energy transfer is concerned. The strategy is based on guaranteeing the correct portion of energy transported by the resonant tank to the load. The portion has to vary corresponding to the error signal taken from the output voltage and remains unchanged if the error signal from the output is at its minimum. In a certain way this method is similar to the Current Mode Control of the classical power converters.